النتائج 16 إلى 30 من 43
الموضوع: WEEKLY week
- 29-07-2007, 11:06 PM #16
رد: WEEKLY week
Hello Guys
30 Jul - 03 Aug
Signal # 13 ( Buy EUR/JPY @161.54 ) had been executed and the loss order had been triggered
- 30-07-2007, 07:23 AM #17
رد: WEEKLY week
Hello Guys
Signal # 13 ( Buy EUR/JPY @ 161.54 ) had been executed and the loss order had been triggered -20 pips
Signal # 11 ( Buy NZD/USD @ 0.7580 ) had been executed and the loss order had been triggered -20 pips
Signal # 9 ( Buy AUD/USD @ 0.8476 ) had been executed and the target order had been triggered +40 pips
Signal # 5 ( Buy USD/JPY @ 118.06 ) had been executed and the target order had been triggered +40 pips
- 31-07-2007, 01:37 AM #18
رد: WEEKLY week
Hello Guys
Signal # 8 ( Sell USD/CAD @ 1.0665 ) had been executed and the loss order had been triggered -20 pips
- 01-08-2007, 02:14 PM #19
رد: WEEKLY week
Hello Guys
Signal # 3 ( Buy USD/CHF @ 1.1986 ) had been executed and the target order had been triggered + 40 pips
Take Care
- 01-08-2007, 08:16 PM #20
رد: WEEKLY week
متابعين معك ولكن كم المحصلة لغاية الآن ؟
- 03-08-2007, 05:06 PM #21
رد: WEEKLY week
Hello Guys
Signal # 7 ( Buy USD/CAD @ 1.0505 ) had been executed
Take Care
- 03-08-2007, 09:03 PM #22
رد: WEEKLY week
Hello Guys
Signal # 2 ( Sell UER/USD @ 1.3768 ) had been executed and the loss order had been triggered -20 pips
Take Care
- 03-08-2007, 10:57 PM #23
- 04-08-2007, 01:27 AM #24
رد: WEEKLY week
Hello Guys
Week 1 had finished
I posted at the begining of the week 14 signals for 7 pairs
Six signals had not been executed
Eight signals had been executed. They are
Signal # 13 ( Buy EUR/JPY @ 161.54 ) had been executed and the loss order had been triggered -20 pips
Signal # 11 ( Buy NZD/USD @ 0.7580 ) had been executed and the loss order had been triggered -20 pips
Signal # 9 ( Buy AUD/USD @ 0.8476 ) had been executed and the target order had been triggered +40 pips
Signal # 5 ( Buy USD/JPY @ 118.06 ) had been executed and the target order had been triggered +40 pips
Signal # 8 ( Sell USD/CAD @ 1.0665 ) had been executed and the loss order had been triggered -20 pips
Signal # 3 ( Buy USD/CHF @ 1.1986 ) had been executed and the target order had been triggered + 40 pips
Signal # 2 ( Sell UER/USD @ 1.3768 ) had been executed and the loss order had been triggered -20 pips
Signal # 7 ( Buy USD/CAD @ 1.0505 ) had been executed and the target order had been triggered + 40 pips
So, the net result for week 1 is +80 pips
Let us wait the results for week 2
Take Care
WEEKLYآخر تعديل بواسطة weekly ، 04-08-2007 الساعة 01:30 AM
- 04-08-2007, 03:32 PM #25
رد: WEEKLY week
أخى ويكلى ما شاء الله طريقة جميلة و اجمل شىء قلة المتابعة لانك طبعا عارف ان معظمنا بيشتغل و بالتالى صعب جدا المتابعة
فضلا اخى سؤال و اذا لا ترغب فى الاجابة عليه فهذا حققك هل من الممكن ان تعلمنى اسسيات هذه الطريقة لانها هتريحنا لان اصعب شىء بالنسبة لى هو متابعة السوق نظرا لعملى طوال اليوم
و لكن اذا لم ترغب فهذا شىء لا يضايق اى احد و من حقك و مشكور على مشاركتك لنا بالتوصيات
- 04-08-2007, 04:55 PM #26
رد: WEEKLY week
Hello Guys
Firstly, thanks CJA for your nice and appreciated wods
The most important advantage of these signals is that you just need ten minutes weekly to insert the signals at the begining of the trading week and then sign off the account and swith off the copmuter untill 20:00 GMT on friday to check the results and to delete the un-executed signals. So, you do not have to monitor the screen for 24 hours daily and 5 days weekly
The second advantage of these signals is that you will not increase the stop loss when the price comes too close of hitting the stop order and also you will not close the profitable position befor triggering the target order
The third advantage of these signals is that the profit / loss ratio is 2:1
In week 1 , we had 4 losed trades ( -80 pips ) and 4 profitable trades ( +160 pips ). So, the net result of week 1 was +80 pips
Regarding the concept of the strategy which generates thoes signals, let us apply the signals for 8 weeks to check the NET result. We may have some weeks that their result is negative. But, the most important thing is the NET result of the 8 weeks
Take Care
WEEKLLYآخر تعديل بواسطة weekly ، 04-08-2007 الساعة 05:00 PM
- 05-08-2007, 07:44 PM #27
رد: WEEKLY week
عزيزي وييكلي .. بخصوص تجربة الاستراتيجية .. هل قمت بتجربتها سابقاً ولفترة معقولة ؟ أم أنها جديدة عليك وتريدنا جميعاً تجربتها معك ؟ .. لأنه إن كنت قد جربتها لوقت كافي وأثبتت نجاحها فما المانع من تجربتها على الحسابات الحقيقية بدل الانتظار لمدة 8 أسابيع حتى تثبت فعاليتها.. تحياتي ..
- 05-08-2007, 08:20 PM #28
رد: WEEKLY week
Please, keep it in your mind that 8 WEEKS is nothing in Forex life
I said befor in post # 2 that this method had generated 900 pips ( net ) in three months. But, please keep running it on a demo account for the next WEEKS
The 14 signals for WEEK 2 will be posted as soon as possible
Take Care
- 05-08-2007, 10:13 PM #29
رد: WEEKLY week
Hello Guys
The 14 signals for the 2nd week ( 30 Jul - 03 Aug ) are attached
Take care
- 05-08-2007, 11:29 PM #30
رد: WEEKLY week
ممتاز ... اسلوب رائع و فية ثقة بالنفس
متابعين معاك أن شاء الله
اتمنى لك التوفيق و النجاح
المواضيع المتشابهه
GBP/JPY this week
By EGYPT-EVEREX-FOREX in forum سوق تداول العملات الأجنبية والسلع والنفط والمعادنمشاركات: 18آخر مشاركة: 03-06-2008, 10:09 AM -
the last entry of the week
By صاحب سمو المشاعر in forum سوق تداول العملات الأجنبية والسلع والنفط والمعادنمشاركات: 6آخر مشاركة: 27-10-2007, 02:15 PM -
only every week
By forexerman in forum سوق تداول العملات الأجنبية والسلع والنفط والمعادنمشاركات: 3آخر مشاركة: 28-05-2007, 03:08 PM -
general looking for this week
By hussam forex in forum سوق تداول العملات الأجنبية والسلع والنفط والمعادنمشاركات: 2آخر مشاركة: 27-09-2004, 03:02 PM -
analysis of the week
By hussam forex in forum سوق تداول العملات الأجنبية والسلع والنفط والمعادنمشاركات: 0آخر مشاركة: 20-09-2004, 05:49 AM