النتائج 76 إلى 90 من 238
- 21-08-2010, 12:24 AM #76
رد: قانون الاهتزاز لجان وسر الحكايه0000000
أخي الكريم لو كان السوق عشوائي لكنا نرى كل يوم انهيارات هنا وهناك ولكن هذا السوق مدار بحنكة واحترافية كبيرة جدا ،
المؤسسات والبنوك لا يمكنها ان تترك السوق لمن هب ودب فلها مصالح كبيرة فيه ،
أخي الكريم الزمن بالنسبة للمؤسسات المالية اهم من الكمية التي يدخلون بها لانهم يعملون بطريقة متوازية مع بعضهم البعض فالذي يصرفوه من هنا يجمعوه في مكان آخروكل في توقيته ومكانه وكذلك بالتوالي حتى يصلوا لمبتغاهم
مايجب ان نعلهم هو حجمنا الحقيقي بالسوق وبذلك نبحث عن الفرص التي تأتي على احجامنا
( نحن الكعكة التي يقتسمونها كل يوم )
- 21-08-2010, 01:14 AM #77
رد: قانون الاهتزاز لجان وسر الحكايه0000000
اخي الكريم انا ما قلت إن السوق يمشي عشوائي و لكن قصدي من الكلام بأن هناك قوى محركه تتحكم بهالشركات هي عاملي السعر و الزمن وهو ليس موضوع إختياري بالنسبه لهم فهم مسيرين فيه
هذا قصدى و منظمومة السعر و الزمن ليست عشوائيه
- 21-08-2010, 09:59 PM #78
- 21-08-2010, 11:32 PM #79
- 22-08-2010, 01:08 AM #80
- 22-08-2010, 01:25 AM #81
رد: قانون الاهتزاز لجان وسر الحكايه0000000
قوانيين كيبلر وتذكر ان الاخ ماركوف قال انه بالامكان تطبيق قوانين كيبلر على الفوركس 100%
- 22-08-2010, 01:37 AM #82
- 22-08-2010, 02:02 AM #83
رد: قانون الاهتزاز لجان وسر الحكايه0000000
آخر تعديل بواسطة omri_fadwah_lakk ، 22-08-2010 الساعة 02:07 AM
- 22-08-2010, 07:24 AM #84
رد: قانون الاهتزاز لجان وسر الحكايه0000000
هل عدد نقاط الدورات السعرية هى نفسها عدد نقاط السعر على الشارت
- 22-08-2010, 03:13 PM #85
رد: قانون الاهتزاز لجان وسر الحكايه0000000
ارجو من احد الاخوة الذي له دراية برسم الشارت يدويا ارفاق شارت يدوي لرسمته اذا امكن وشرح كيفية الرسم
-اعرف الرسم 1:1 على الورقة فهل اقسم الورقة على عدد الساعات في اليوم من الافتتاح حتى الاغلاق وهل اخذ الشمعة شمعة الساعة او اليوم او الدقيقة ارجو الرد وشكراآخر تعديل بواسطة allmouafa9 ، 22-08-2010 الساعة 03:18 PM
- 22-08-2010, 11:02 PM #86
رد: قانون الاهتزاز لجان وسر الحكايه0000000
اخ ماركوف هل نعتمد في تحليلنا على رسم شارت النبضات او شارت الميتا حسب المنصة التي نشتغل عليها وشكرا
اخ احمد هل لك بارفاق شارت من صنع يدك حتى استفيد وشكرا موصول اخي
- 23-08-2010, 12:21 AM #87
رد: قانون الاهتزاز لجان وسر الحكايه0000000
السلام عليكم
اخي الكريم شريف
بالنسبة لطريقة رسم شارت ثابت المقاييس
فهناك احدى طريقتين
اما رسم يدوي وهو ان تقوم بتفريغ الشارت كاملا
في ورقة خارجية وهو متعب بعض الشيء
اما الطريقة الاخرى
فهو استخدام احد البرامج الجاهزة
وهو ما افعله انا في الوقت الحالي
ولكن مشكلتها انها غالية بعض الشيء
مثال على هذه البرامج
برنامج يدعى wave 59 ولكنه غالي جدا
وبرنامج اخر هو في الحقيقة ليس برنامج بحد ذاته
ولكنه برنامج ملحق ببرنامج الاكسيل ستجد فيه الخير الكثير
وانا بصراحة انصح الاخوان به جدا
وسعره في متناول اليد وتتمكن من خلاله من رسم شارت ثابت المقاييس
واستيراد البيانات السعرية بشكل مباشر الى الاكسيل
دون الحاجة الى تسجيل من الميتا دون وجع راس و لا يحزنون
ولكنه يحتاج الى بعض التدريب في البداية
الاهم من ذلك كله هو تحديد معامل مقياس الرسم
scaling factor
حيث ان لكل زوج من العملات معامل رسم مناسب له
يمكن معرفته بالتجريب او بعض المعادلات
وهو اهم شيء بعد الحصول على الشارت ثابت المقاييس
ارجو ان اكون قد استطعت افادتك قدر الامكان
- 23-08-2010, 02:12 AM #88
رد: قانون الاهتزاز لجان وسر الحكايه0000000
Forecasting Time"Time is the most important factor" This is what the master trader Gann said.One trader once told me that you can not trade a market unless you know
where it is going. W. D. Gann was able to forecast time cycles with amazing accuracy. This chapter tells you
how he did most of it. W. D. Gann believed that the future is but a repetition of the past. There are no new
things under the sun. By studying the past one can forecast future cycles of the market.
The following are the master cycles of the market. Study them carefully, they are the secret to all markets.
The printed course explains these cycles in detail. Study them carefully.
The 120 Year Major Cycle
The 100 Year Major Cycle
The 90 Year Major Cycle
The 80 Year Cycle
The 60 Year Master Cycle
The 49 - 50 Year Cycle
The 40 Year Cycle
The 30 Year Cycle
The 20 Year Cycle
The 15 year Cycle
The 10 Year Cycle
The 8 Year Cycle
The 7 Year Cycle
The 5 Year Cycle
The 2 /12 - 3 1/2 Year Cycle
HARMONICS OF THESE CYCLESAll of these cycles have harmonic years. To fully understand how to get the harmonic cycles you must study
the printed version of this course. The harmonic cycles allow you to know where the big cycles are occurring.The 1 Year and Under CycleThe cycles under one year are all based on the circle. The cycles inside of the year are the 45, 90, 120, 135,
144, 216, 240, 244, and 270. Study them in the course. The important cycles are explained.How to Use the CyclesThe most important thing you can do is to watch how the cycles are working. Compare the current cycles with
those of the past. Go back to each of the cycle years and compare them to the current ones.Using Daily Charts for forecastingDaily price movements give the first change of trend in the markets.SHIFTS IN CYCLESThere are sometimes shifts in the major cycles several days from anniversary high or low days. This is
caused by progression of time.Beginnings of time periods (changing of trends)Watch the first and third week of the beginnings of these important times of the year.
See the list in the printed course for other important times.Yearly- Watch the first and third week of January
Semi-Annual- Watch the first and third week of July
Quarterly- Watch the first and third of week of April and October.
You should also divide the year into divisions and watch the first 5 days of each division for a change of
Comparisons of Years Ending with Same DigitGo back over the years and overlay all years that end in the same digit.Reoccurring CyclesThe market normally makes the same amount of moves from it's peaks and troughs.RatiosIt is also a good idea to use ratios between the following:
Fibonacci ratios work very nicely. These are the ratios that we have programmed into the Excel spreadsheet
that you got with the printed course. See Exhibit 13.4. in the course. This is a picture of the Excel spread
sheet module for wave forecasting based on those ratios. By inputting three dates in this spread sheet you
can get the top to top or bottom to bottom time calculations. By inputting 2 dates in the spreadsheet you can
get bottom to top and top to bottom calculations of timing points. See exhibit 13.4 and 13.5. in the course
2.618WAVE STRUCTURETo be able to understand major cycles of the market, it is necessary to use wave structure of the market.
Exhibit 13.1 in the course book is the basic Elliott wave pattern which must be understood to do proper cycle
analysis.TIMING BASED ON RATIOS OF WAVE STRUCTUREFuture timing points are based on ratios of prior tops and bottoms in the market. The Excel spread sheet is
set up to calculate many of these ratios which will save you a lot of time. These ratios of course will be based
on calendar days, not on market days. You will find that you might get away with just using the Excel spread
sheet for these calculations because we have found that in many cases they both come up with close to the
same dates. Study the various time ratios calculations with the examples in the course book.USING MINOR TO MAJOR CYCLESAll of these calculations are based on the minor degree of daily chart data. These will give you only minor
calculations of important pivot points.SAME WAVE PATTERNThe program will calculate future timing points based on Fibonacci ratios from these tops and bottom.PROGRAMMED RATIOSFrom the number of days between the 1st, 2nd and 3rd or the 2nd and 3rd, the time sheet calculates ratios
forward from the 3rd date. The ratios programmed in are as follows: See Exhibit 13.4 in the course book.1)0.382
NUMBER OF DAYSThe Fibonacci ratios have the difference in days beside the date, so you can determine if the number of
days is significant.INTRADAY TIMING POINTSThe time sheet can also be adjusted to project intraday timing points down to the very minute.USING CIRCLE NUMBERS FROM BEGINNING NUMBERSThe important circle number can also be used to forecast from important tops and bottoms.HARMONICS OF BEGINNING NUMBERSThe harmonics of the beginning number can be used to forecast. See the course book.
square of 9 and 4 for time projection
We have also programmed into the Excel template the square of 9 and the square of 4 charts. These
charts are an electronic marvel! They are 10 times better than any other Gann wheel, because you can
change the center number to a beginning number or date for time and price projection. For time that
number should be set a beginning date of a contract or of a minor, intermediate or major bottom. See
Exhibit 13.6 in the course book.USING THE CENTER WITH BEGINNING NUMBERSThe square of 4 should be used with a contact with an even number of days and the square of 9 shouldfind resistance to advance at the end of each circle and
be used with a contract with an odd number of days. Experiment of with both squares to see which one is
hitting the numbers better. For time set the center number to the beginning date of the contract. You will
- 23-08-2010, 02:59 AM #89
- 23-08-2010, 05:56 AM #90