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الموضوع: Beta with Index?
- 27-04-2009, 12:57 PM #1
Beta with Index?
السلام عليكم
الى من يملك المعلومة
1-هل ال beta للشركات تتغير سنويا او شهرايا او كل يوم تداول ؟
2- اذا كانت بيتا لشركة ما قليلة هل هذا يعني انها تتحرك عكس المؤشر ؟
- 03-05-2009, 08:50 PM #2
رد: Beta with Index?
أهلا بك أخي الكريم
باختصار البيتا هي تأثر حركة السهم بالنسبة للمؤشر العام فإذا كانت قيمة البيتا أعلى من واحد صحيح يكون السهم أكثر تذبذا من المؤشر والعكس بالعكس فإذا كان اقل من واحد فهو يعني ان السهم سيكون اقل تذبذبا من حركة المؤشر
وإليك الشرح التالي وإن شاء الله يفيدك
When calculating the beta of an investment the simple monthly returns over the specified comparison period are calculated.
The simple monthly return is
Return = (End price + Dist per share - Start price) / Start price
The returns for both the investment and benchmark are calculated. If the comparison period is 5 years, there are 60 monthly returns for each the investment and the benchmark. To calculate the beta, these 60 data points are plotted with the benchmark returns along the X axis, and the investment returns along the Y axis. The slope of a best-fit line through these data points is the Beta
Here is a guide to follow:
Negative Stock Beta Calculation - A beta less than 0 - which would indicate an inverse relation to the market - is possible but highly unlikely. Some investors used to believe that gold and gold stocks should have negative betas because they tended to do better when the stock market declined, but this hasn't proved to be true over the long term.
Stock Beta Calculation of 0 - Basically, cash has a beta of 0. In other words, regardless of which way the market moves, the value of cash remains unchanged (given no inflation).
Stock Beta Calculation between 0 and 1 - Companies with volatilities lower than the market have a beta of less than 1 (but more than 0). As we mentioned earlier, many utilities fall in this range.
Stock Beta Calculation of 1 - A beta of 1 represents the volatility of the given index used to represent the overall market, against which other stocks and their betas are measured. The S&P 500 is such an index. If a stock has a beta of one, it will move the same amount and direction as the index. So, an index fund that mirrors the S&P 500 will have a beta close to 1.
Stock Beta Calculation greater than 1 - This denotes a volatility that is greater than the broad-based index. Again, as we mentioned above, many technology companies on the Nasdaq have a beta higher than 1 .
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