النتائج 1 إلى 1 من 1
- 07-10-2004, 07:47 PM #1
لا جديد من Fxcm بالنسبة لارقام الجمعة
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
لا جديد من FXCM بالنسبة لارقام الجمعة...لعل احدكم يستفيد
حاولت المناقشة معهم للاطلاع على اخر المستجدات...
FXCM~: Welcome to FXCM's Live Chat feature. You are now chatting with an FXCM
representative. How can I help you?
you: Hello. Are you still going to shut down trading
friday for 15 minutes and not garantee
stops and limits for theday
FXCM~: what do you mean by "shut down trading?"
you: I mean not letting trades go through
FXCM~: no, we never "shut down trading"
FXCM~: we provide nearly seamless execution24
hours aday
hFXCM~: are you referring to trading around tomorrow's
NFP number
FXCM~: because that is not adviseable
you: No. Last month they send us an Email
stating to all customers not to trade Did I
FXCM~: yes
FXCM~: we recommended that clients not trade around the NFP numbers,
FXCM~: due to the gapping market that may occur,
following the number release
you: But trading platform will continue to take orders
should the first few seconds where
the price gabs go
FXCM~: regarding entry orders, they may not be possible
FXCM~: if there is insufficient liquidity in the market
for them to be entered
FXCM~: however, market orders are always possible
you: Ok. Good. But if I put market order and goes through
and I attached a stop. Is that
going to be honered in case trade goes against
me at some point
FXCM~: the stop will always be filled when the marke
hits that rate
FXCM~: the issue however
FXCM~: when trading around NFP numbers,
FXCM~: is that if the market gaps
FXCM~: your stop may be gapped through
FXCM~: so you may be closed out hundeds of pips
from where your stop is etnered
you: Realy
FXCM~: this is why we don't recommend trading the
nfp numbers
FXCM~: yes
you: But you talking about the first minute here
. Right??? not afterwords
FXCM~: we can't fill your order where the market isn't trading
FXCM~: if we can't offset at that rate, we
FXCM~: can't fill you at that rate
you: The price only gaps the first few seconds
Then things work normal after that
FXCM~: yes, typically
FXCM~: but that few seconds can be a gap of 200+pips
FXCM~: as it was on aug 6
you: Yes. I remember
FXCM~: ok, excellent
you: Will thanks. Have a good afternoon
FXCM~: you're welcome
المواضيع المتشابهه
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