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الموضوع: متنبأ أسعار
- 03-05-2008, 10:34 PM #1
متنبأ أسعار
بدي واحد يعطيني رايه في مؤشر الجديد هاد الشركه بتحكي انه بيقدر يتنبأ بالسعر قبل ما يوصله مضبوط يا ناس ولا لآ لاني انا مش فاهم كتير على ما اعتقد قرات مره في المنتدى اشي بيشبه في عمله هاد البرنامج هو عباره عن مؤشر يخبرك متى تشري ومتى تبيع ومتى تخرج من الصفقه يا ريت واحد يعطيني الصافي لاني ناوي استخدم البرنامج علما بانه اشتراك بفلوس وهي الموقع موجود كمان عشان تكمل الصوره والله الموفق الرجاء الرد السريع وشكرا للجميع
"Is the Trend Always Your Friend?"
by Les Schwartz
How many times have you heard, "The trend is your friend"?
If you're like me, probably too many times to count.
It's as if one trader came up with the idea, thought it sounded snappy, then repeated it to every other trader he knew. All of a sudden, everybody was repeating it, and it had become a little piece of trading dogma.
But is it actually true?
In my experience, the trend is NOT always your friend. Here's why...
Trading With TrendLines
Back in the Late 80's and early 90's, when technology first allowed short term trading (day trading and swing trading) to become main stream, many traders like myself used trendlines to make our trades.
The problem was that if you asked three traders to draw upper trendlines from the same point on a chart, you would likely get three different trendlines. Each trader would then give you a reason as to why his method of drawing trendlines was correct.
Which one of these trendlines is correctly drawn? The answer is none of them. In fact, there is only one correct way to draw trendlines. Upper trendlines are drawn from the high of a bar that is followed by a bar with a lower high and preceded by a bar with an equal or lower high to the next bar that meets this criteria. Upper trendlines are called supply lines.
Lower trendlines are drawn from the low of a bar that is followed by a bar with a higher low and preceded by a bar with an equal or higher low to the next bar that meets this criteria. Lower trendlines are called demand lines.
If you think that sounds confusing, imagine identifying and drawing upper and lower trendlines on a 30 second or one minute chart in real time! Well, that's how I used to trade.
"D" is the only correct trendline on this chart. By drawing trendlines correctly you can know the correct bias of the market at any given instant.
When you trade with trendlines you can get signals two ways. If both the upper and lower trendlines slope in the same direction, you have a potential trade when the market is trading within the trendlines.
When the market exceeds the upper or lower trendline you have a potential trade. Here is same chart with both the upper and lower trendlines drawn. Do you see how easy it is to see the change of bias at point "E"?
Trading with trendlines is possibly the most effective method of trading I have ever used. It is certainly the most effective scalping method.
That being said, there are three problems with trading with TrendLines.
First, you need some kind of momentum indicator to help you filter trades.
Second, it really gets hard to keep track of where you are when you are drawing trendlines by hand in real time, so you have to keep removing old trendlines and adding new ones.
Third you have to keep redrawing the current trendline until a final termination point is determined. In other words, the current trendline is "Dynamic." After a couple of hours of trading with trendlines, I was a basket case!!
Introducing TrendLine Trader Software
My new TrendLine Trader Software dynamically draws and adjusts trendlines as the market evolves. It then evaluates momentum and issues Buy signals (green arrows), Sell signals (red arrows) or Cash signals (grey arrows) as conditions warrent.
Automated Dynamic stops, set by the user, help you manage your trade and lock in profits.
Please take a minute to view the short video on our website at:
By clicking the "Play" arrow in the lower left hand corner of the frame above you can see my new TrendLine Trader software in action. (You may need to give it time to load, and be sure to turn your sound up.)
Please note that the Current segments of the upper and lower trendlines are different colors than the historical trendlines. This indicates that those trendlines are “Dynamic” and will continue to adjust, in real time, until firm trends for the highs and lows are in place.
Once the end point of a trendline has been confirmed, the trend lines “lock down” and no longer shift in any direction. (Historical trend lines can be shown or hidden at the discretion of the user.)
(Note: Please read this chart from bottom to top.)
Trendline Trader Software is a trading tool and automated trading method that was designed, from the ground up, to emulate the trendline trading methods I have used successfully for many years. There is nothing like it on the market today.
It was programmed to react to real-world conditions much as I would if I were at the computer exiting and entering trades. I wanted to create a software product that would do what I would do, without the anxiety we all sometimes feel when entering a trade and the second-guessing that often occurs after exiting a trade.
TrendLine Trader Software draws trendlines and evaluates market momentum in real time, issuing trading signals when a clear bias exists.
The supply and demand levels appear right before your eyes, as they are happening.
The proprietary Trend Probability Oscillator (shown by the red and green hash marks at the bottom of the screen) indicates the likelihood and direction of a possible trend at any given time.
The multicolored Bias Bar (above the oscillator) tells you the current bias of the market with an easily readable color scale going from Dark Red (indicating a strong negative bias) to Grey (neutral) to Dark Green (indicating a strong positive bias).
The Trend Probability Oscillator and Bias Bar work independently of the TrendLine Trader and can be used to confirm buy & sell signals. They have no adjustable inputs, so you don't have to worry about changing or optimizing settings.
Take a look at the chart above. The signal at “B” is a good short signal. The Oscillator has turned red and is increasingly bearish, and the Bias Bar is moving from neutral (gray) to increasingly deeper shades of red. (Please note that we consider any signal that results in a break-even or better trade a “Good Signal.”)
Please visit our website at:
to learn more about how TrendLine Trader can make you a more profitable trader.
-- -- -- Special -- -- -- Special -- -- -- Special -- -- -- Special -- -- --
Our first "New Launch" promotion was such a success, we decided to run it one more time, BUT this is the last time. This is your final chance to get FREE shipping.
Sign up for a TrendlineTrader Subscription by May 15th and get Free Overnight Shipping! (a $25 value!)".
Les Schwartz
Trendline Trader Software
P.S. While TrendLine Trader Software is an advanced trading tool designed for experienced traders and scalpers, many newer traders have told us it is "just what they have been looking for." As one of our subscribers put it:
"TrendLine Trader is a great tool! Unlike many items on the market, TrendLine Trader does what it is supposed to do." B.B. Tallahassee, FL
- 03-05-2008, 10:42 PM #2
رد: متنبأ أسعار
يأخي للاسف كثير منا ينخدع بهده الشركات اللتي توعدك بمئات النقط مقابل مبلغ زهيد ان كان البرنامج كما يقولون لمادا يستأجرونه ببضع دولارت طبعا ان كان ناجح فاصحابه يربحو ملايين ليه يحتاج الى حفنة دولارت اخي انصحك بزولو تريد لاياخدون منك عمولة وجميع حسابات الموصيين مفتوحة امامك وتعرف صفقاتهم ابحثلك عن مزود توصيات عندو اشهر وناجح وادخل معاه احسن من الشركات الدجالة دي
- 03-05-2008, 10:44 PM #3
رد: متنبأ أسعار
اعتقد انه لا يوجد مؤشر يقوم بهذا العمل
عليك وعلى التحليل الكلاسيكى
هو الحل وهو الاصل
- 03-05-2008, 11:11 PM #4
رد: متنبأ أسعار
شكرا لجميع الردود فقط اريد ان اعرف اذا كان هنالك شخص واحد عمل على هذا البرنامج ام لا عشان اعرف السلبي من الايجابي فقط وشكرا للجميع
- 03-05-2008, 11:32 PM #5
رد: متنبأ أسعار
مشكور يا اخي انا بدي اغلبك معي شوي انا فتحت على الموقع مش فاهم يعني الشركه هاي شو ممكن تفيدني عشان انا لسه جديد في الفوريكس وبعدين طلبو مني احول للموقع مع العلم اني مشترك مع شركة fxcm وطلبو يكون حسابي ميني مع انه حسابي عادي انا يعني هامش 100000 دولار شو راح يختلف اذا انا سجلت عن طريقهم مع الشكر الجزيل يا اخي الرجاء الرد السريع
- 03-05-2008, 11:55 PM #6
رد: متنبأ أسعار
تفضل اخي الرابط موضوع هنا في المنتدى متخخص للموقع ضعت اسئلتك هناك ويدلك المشرفون https://forum.arabictrader.com/t40604.html
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