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الموضوع: ممكن احد يشرح المؤشرAroon_v1
- 28-06-2005, 06:21 PM #1
ممكن احد يشرح المؤشرAroon_v1
ياشباب احد منكم شرح موشر Aroon_v1بالتفصيل وكيف طريقته
- 28-06-2005, 07:58 PM #2
مشاركة: ممكن احد يشرح المؤشرAroon_v1
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة الجنيه
اخى الجنيه حسب معلوماتى البسيطه والمتواضعه ان مؤشر ارون اف 1 هو نفس مؤشر ادوكس
واعتقد انه افضل من ادوكس بالوضوح فقط عند تقاطع الخطوط فقط بينما ادوكس يمتاز بوجود
خط ثالث يبين مدى قوة حركة العمله خصوصا عند بداية التقاطع مما يساعد على اكتشاف الحركه
هل هى تذبذب اوحركه قويه . يبقى انه عند التقاطع فى مؤشر ارون اشرات شراء اوبيع .
وتقبل تقديرى
- 29-06-2005, 09:08 AM #3
مشاركة: ممكن احد يشرح المؤشرAroon_v1
salmo alikom
i hope u can read that but and u can trnslate
im soory my
this very usufle in dicater
can be used to determine whether a is trending or not and
1==arron up and arron down
The Aroon indicator system consists of two lines, Aroon(up) and Aroon
(down). It takes a single parameter which is the number of time periods to use in the calculation. Aroon(up) is the amount of time (on a percentage basis) that has elapsed between the start of the time period and the point at which the highest price during that time period occurred. If the stock is setting a new low for the given time period, Aroon(up) will be zero. On the other hand, if the stock closes higher than it has during the rest of the time period, Aroon(up) will be +100. For each subsequent period that passes without another new high, Aroon(up) moves down by an amount equal to (1 / # of periods) x 100.
Technically, the formula for Aroon(up) is:
[ [ (# of periods) - (# of periods since highest high during that time) ] / (# of periods) ] x 100
important exmpale u gnuah)/////////// consider plotting a 10-period Aroon(up) line on a daily chart. If the highest price for the past ten days occurred 6 days ago (4 days since the start of the time period), Aroon(up) for today would be equal to ((10-6)/10) x 100 = 40. If the lowest price in that same period happened yesterday (i.e. on day 9), Aroon(down) for today would be 90.
Aroon(down) is calculated in just the opposite manner, looking for new lows instead of new highs. When a new low is set, Aroon(down) is equal to +100. If the is setting a new high for the given time period, Aroon(down) will be zero. And so on...
The formula for Aroon(down) is :
[ [ (# of periods) - (# of periods since lowest low during that time) ] / (# of periods) ] notesthis new indicater
- 29-06-2005, 09:10 AM #4
مشاركة: ممكن احد يشرح المؤشرAroon_v1
itry many time 2 wrote andanswer on any q
and now iget it
slamo alikom
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