النتائج 1 إلى 3 من 3
  1. #1
    الصورة الرمزية HERO_0
    HERO_0 غير متواجد حالياً عضو المتداول العربي
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2005
    الإمارات العربية المتحدة

    افتراضي الدين النصيحه _ احذرواااا هذا الموقع

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    كلنا يعلم جيدا إخواني الكرام كثرة مواقع الـ Spam على الإنترنت وخصوصاً المواقع التي تهتم بالفوركس ... وذلك ببساطة لأن اصحاب هذه المواقع فشلوا بتداولهم الفوركسي .. وبحثوا بشكل أو بآخر عن ربح من تجربتهم الفاشلة فقاموا بتأليف كتاب ومن ثم مجدوا هذا الكتاب وقدسوه واظهروه على انه سوبر مان الفوركس في مواقعهم

    ومن هنا جاء المنطلق لأنبهكم أحبائي بأن هذا الموقع الذي سأعرضه عليكم الآن هو احد هذه المواقع

    وقبلما اعرض عليكم الموقع .. سأعرض عليكم رسالة هذا الشخص لي على الإيميل , وما أن حدثته وسألته عن سبب استخدامه لهذا النوع من الدعايا للـتأثير على الناس إلا وانهال علي بالشتائم والألفاظ الخارجه والتي ليس لها مبرر حتى وإن كان صادقا بما يدعي

    فلا حولو لا قوة إلا بالله

    الرسالة هي

    Hello again eihab,

    Today, I'm in a good mood.

    I had a car crash yesterday and my wife and I were slightly
    injured. The car spun on the motorway (freeway) one and a half
    times after hitting the crash barrier 2-3 times. My car has been
    damaged all round and the airbags have been deployed. The car is
    un-drivable and totalled. I expect the insurance company to tell me
    that my car is not repairable and then I can expect an argument
    about the amount I should receive.

    At the same time, I have a major water leak in my house. I can't
    leave the house for more than 30 minutes without the water ruining
    my ceiling and carpet. It's a huge pain and I'm currently waiting
    for the builder to come and repair the damn thing.

    But, despite all this, I'm not worried.

    Do you know why?

    I have a good free life and I can expect these knock-backs when the
    going gets tough. I look at it as god's will (which it is) and then
    I move on.

    I also know that the money I accrue by trading currencies allows me
    to combat or offset these occasional calamities. I know that
    whatever expenses are needed as a result of my actions can be met
    by what I do. I know that
    I will continue to download cash well into
    the future
    (unless I die of course) because
    I know what to do to
    cash in further down the line

    In fact, as I write this, I'm trading the Canadian Dollar against
    the US Dollar and I'm making a tidy profit. Can you see how this
    type of lifestyle can be extremely profitable?

    This is what I'm offering to teach you. I know that if you follow
    the plan I have detailed in the manual, you too will have a decent
    lifestyle. This is a guarantee I can afford to offer you.

    This is the last time I will offer my course to you as I know you
    don't want to be bombarded with high pressure tactics by email. So,
    for the last time, I urge you to at least take a look at the
    manual. You are fully covered by my 30 day guarantee.

    There is no way you can lose. You don't even have to risk real
    money when practicing as you'll be able to practice trading on a
    demo account.

    Here is what Kevin has to say about the manual and course...

    I have followed the manual steps and in 4 days with a combination
    of systems I found a very good system and I started with $500.00 on
    the demo program with mini lots.

    In 3 days I went from 500.00 to 917.00 on minis. It is very
    important to trust your system and sit back a let your system prove
    Do not get excited and you will do fine. This manual is awesome!!!

    I have learned more from this than all other books and systems I
    have read and studied in the last 5 years.

    Thank you for your constant support.

    Kevin J

    Do you think you can get results like these? Do you think you can
    make $2000 in 3 days instead of just $917 like Kevin did? It's no
    big feat. If Kevin can do it shortly after he started, there's no
    reason why you can't either.

    You can prove that to yourself with a demo platform and my refund

    Try it today and I guarantee you won't be asking for a refund.

    To get started, here's
    the all important link

    Ok, I'm going to wrap this up because if I can't convince you of how profitable my manual is,
    I don't think any amount of lecturing will change your mind. It means you are not convinced.

    If you still don't want to start with this manual, no worries.

    If you do, welcome to a Whole New World.
    I'll see you on the other side.

    والموقع هو


    وارجو تبليغ كل من تعرفوا عن هذا الموقع قبل أن يقع الفاس في الرأس ويقع أحدنا في الفخ

    اللهم إني اعوذ بك أن اضر مسلما في ماله

    أخوكم : HERO

  2. #2
    الصورة الرمزية mohmd173
    mohmd173 غير متواجد حالياً عضو المتداول العربي
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jan 2005
    Abu Dhabi

    افتراضي رد: الدين النصيحه _ احذرواااا هذا الموقع

    جزاك الله خير اخي هيرو

  3. #3
    الصورة الرمزية HERO_0
    HERO_0 غير متواجد حالياً عضو المتداول العربي
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2005
    الإمارات العربية المتحدة

    افتراضي رد: الدين النصيحه _ احذرواااا هذا الموقع

    وإياك اخي العزيز مُحَمَدْ

المواضيع المتشابهه

  1. أرجوا النصيحه
    By Fawzi Alhamed in forum سوق تداول العملات الأجنبية والسلع والنفط والمعادن
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الاوسمة لهذا الموضوع

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