النتائج 1 إلى 6 من 6
الموضوع: تحذير عاجل ...
- 13-01-2007, 12:14 AM #1
تحذير عاجل ...
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
بالرغم من انشغالي حاليا ...
إلا انه وصلتني هذه الرسالة من ناس كبيرة وناجحه جداً ومأمونه في عالم الفوركس
وهي تحذير من التعامل مع شركه profunium
حسب نصها
What also happened today was one of the girls in Rob Grespi's room made very good profits from trading with him in the last few weeks, and she sent in a withdrawal request to her broker, profinum.com. That broker made $3,000 in commissions from her trades, but when she decided to withdraw her funds, their CEO Miko, nulled her account, and told her that he considers all profits void, because she made a few trades there that profited only a few pips, and she held some of the trades for less than 90 seconds. That was freaking ridiculous. I can somewhat understand requotes, I can somewhat understand high spreads, I can somewhat understand closures of accounts, but a broker having the power to just take away your profits at the time of withdrawal is just freaking ridiculous. These f***ers are getting out of control. They might as well have a policy: "All deposits are final, no withdrawals are allowed, no profitable traders are allowed". And her profits weren't even news profits. They were trades taken during normal, very liquid market conditions. These suckers seem like a one man operation, that's based in the caymans or something. On their website, there is a question that was posted: "Do you trade against me?", you want to know their answer? Here it goes: "Do we take the other side of your trade and thus guarantee you the liquidity to trade? Of course we do. Does this mean we want you to lose and that we manipulate the rates against you etc.? Absolutely not!". This is not a broker, but a small market maker that in my opinion makes a profit when you lose, and loses a profit when you make pips. I am starting to even doubt that if all their clients wanted to cash out, they have enough funds to give them. They might be spending funds that their clients deposit to them for running expenses. That's just my opinion and I may be wrong, but please be very careful... It's obvious that these guys are acting on bad faith, and when someone is acting on bad faith any sleazy thing is possible. Here is the funny thing. Rob Grespi talked to this guy a week ago, asking him about his firm, and this guy of course wanted the business and all that. A week passes, and already one subscriber can't take out her profits. That really pissed Rob off, so he called that guy Mika, and cussed him out. Rob was talking on behalf all of his subscribers, so when he talked everybody heard the conversation. One of our subscribers happened to record all three conversations, the nice ones, and not so nice ones, including the cussing out today, and agreed to provide these recordings for your reference. Here they are. Lesson of the story...be very careful not only with this broker but with all the other new ones...
Profinum Conversation#1
Profinum Conversation#2
Profinum Conversation#3 (not very nice one...call towards end of video)
اللي حصل ان في واحده من المشتركين عندو تبع توصياته حققت ارباح كبيره
وكل صفقاتها كانت ناجحه ... ولكن تكمن المشكلة في انها عندما حاولت سحب اموالها من الشركه ... قالت لها انها لا توجد عندهم اموال لها بالرغم من ان الشركه اخذت عمولة 3000 دولار على العقود اللي فتحوها -نصابين عيني عينك - ... دخلت موقع الشركه وشفته
الشركه بتقدم خدمه تداول من غير سبيرد خالص ولكن في مقابل عمولة نصف دولار على العقد الواحد ...
اسم الشركه profinum لذا يرجى الحذر والأحتياط من التعامل معها
- 13-01-2007, 01:38 AM #2
رد: تحذير عاجل ...
شكرا لك علي الملاحظة
- 13-01-2007, 02:22 AM #3
رد: تحذير عاجل ...
شكرا لك وجزاك الله خيرا
- 13-01-2007, 02:58 AM #4
رد: تحذير عاجل ...
شكرا على التنبيه يامحمود وان شاء الله يجي اليوم اللي نستغني عن شركات الوساطة
- 13-01-2007, 11:02 AM #5
رد: تحذير عاجل ...
السلام عليكم
اريد الن اسئل هل تعرفون شيئا عن شركة وندسور
- 13-01-2007, 03:46 PM #6
رد: تحذير عاجل ...
الله يجزاك الف خير
المواضيع المتشابهه
تحذير للاخوة الاعضاء والزوار تحذير تحذي
By houda in forum استراحة اعضاء المتداول العربيمشاركات: 2آخر مشاركة: 01-05-2010, 01:22 AM -
تحذير عاجل لكل من يستخدم ياهو او هوتميل
By jamal_2022 in forum استراحة اعضاء المتداول العربيمشاركات: 4آخر مشاركة: 03-06-2009, 08:54 AM -
عاجل عاجل الأن : إصابة الجندي الأسير لدى القسام اصابة خطيرة
By المايسترو in forum استراحة اعضاء المتداول العربيمشاركات: 1آخر مشاركة: 01-01-2009, 01:32 AM -
عاجل !تحذير شديد جداً .. لاتستخدم المتصفح الجديد من جوجل المسمى جوجل كروم
By ملياردير in forum استراحة اعضاء المتداول العربيمشاركات: 5آخر مشاركة: 11-09-2008, 05:43 AM