النتائج 1 إلى 1 من 1
  1. #1
    الصورة الرمزية komoles007K
    komoles007K غير متواجد حالياً عضو المتداول العربي
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2017

    12 Need to add buffers into this indicator for read 8 currencyalue for using EA

    Just need to add buffers for reading currency value . thank youJust need to add buffers for reading currency value . thank youJust need to add buffers for reading currency value . thank youJust need to add buffers for reading currency value . thank youJust need to add buffers for reading currency value . thank youJust need to add buffers for reading currency value . thank youJust need to add buffers for reading currency value . thank youJust need to add buffers for reading currency value . thank youJust need to add buffers for reading currency value . thank youJust need to add buffers for reading currency value . thank youJust need to add buffers for reading currency value . thank youJust need to add buffers for reading currency value . thank youJust need to add buffers for reading currency value . thank you
    الملفات المرفقة الملفات المرفقة

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