النتائج 181 إلى 195 من 226
الموضوع: بث حى لنتائج استفتاء اسكتلندا
- 19-09-2014, 07:26 AM #181
John Curtice
Professor of politics at Strathclyde University
Margin of victory
Posted at 05:17
The BBC is predicting on the basis of 26 results declared so far that the "No" side are going to win the referendum with 55% of the vote while "Yes" will secure 45% of the vote.
This margin of victory is some three points greater than that anticipated by the final opinion polls.
- 19-09-2014, 07:28 AM #182
Moore welcome
Posted at 05:20
Former Scottish Secretary Michael Moore welcomes the projected referendum result, adding that "the establishment" in Scotland is the SNP Scottish government.
- 19-09-2014, 07:29 AM #183
'Changed forever'
Posted at 05:20
Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon tells the BBC the projected result is "a deep personal and political disappointment" but argues that "the country has been changed forever".
- 19-09-2014, 07:36 AM #184
الله يستر
- 19-09-2014, 07:40 AM #185
- 19-09-2014, 07:42 AM #186
Ken Macdonald
BBC Scotland Science Correspondent
Yes party
Posted at 05:30
Dwindling numbers here at the "Yes" party. Among those who remain, are those eyes bleary or teary?
- 19-09-2014, 07:42 AM #187
Ken Macdonald
BBC Scotland Science Correspondent
Yes party
Posted at 05:30
Dwindling numbers here at the "Yes" party. Among those who remain, are those eyes bleary or teary?
- 19-09-2014, 07:43 AM #188
Eleanor Bradford
BBC Scotland Health Correspondent
Better Together
Posted at 05:33
Historian and broadcaster Dan Snow says he "hoped, believed and prayed you would vote for shared bonds of citizenship" so that we can "face very real challenges we all face together, and not separately."
- 19-09-2014, 07:48 AM #189
John Curtice
Professor of politics at Strathclyde University
Yes progress
Posted at 05:38
Although the "Yes" side has clearly lost and it has not done as well as it did in the final opinion polls, it has clearly done better than the polls were anticipating at the beginning of August.
The "Yes" campaign did make progress in the final weeks of the campaign.
- 19-09-2014, 07:49 AM #190
Salmond tweet
Posted at 05:39
Alex Salmond tweets: Well done to Glasgow, our commonwealth city, and to the people of Scotland for such a incredible support
- 19-09-2014, 07:50 AM #191
Cameron tweet
Posted at 05:40
David Cameron tweets: I've spoken to Alistair Darling - and congratulated him on an well-fought campaign. #indyref
- 19-09-2014, 07:52 AM #192
Pound strengthens
Posted at 05:41
This chart shows how the pound has faired against the dollar since the polls closed on Thursday evening. As you can see it's strengthened from a low of $1.63 to above $1.65 - that's the highest level since last September. In currency market terms that's a huge move in a short space of time.
- 19-09-2014, 07:55 AM #193
Andrew Black
Political reporter, BBC Scotland
A nation speaks
Posted at 05:45
And so, Scotland was asked, and, it seems, a nation has answered.
Even though the predicted "No" result in the Scottish independence referendum will see it remain in the United Kingdom, the nation has changed forever.
While voters in Scotland expressed a desire to keep the nation in the UK, it's also become clear the current devolution settlement is not enough.
And while many will wonder what First Minister Alex Salmond's next move is, focus will also turn to the pro-Union political parties - Labour, the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats, to make good on their promise on delivering new powers to the devolved Edinburgh parliament.
This strategy was dismissed by the independence campaign as an election bribe, but given the Conservative and Labour leaders David Cameron and Ed Miliband have put their names to it - and one of these two men will probably be the next prime minister - they'll now have to come good.
- 19-09-2014, 07:59 AM #194
Laura Maxwell
BBC Scotland
Ingliston tears
Posted at 05:50
There have been tears from "Yes" campaigners at Ingliston this evening. But one lady told me she was realistic before coming here this evening, saying 45% of the vote was still a vote for change.
One senior figure from the Conservatives told me he'd been at many counts in Ingliston, but rarely on the winning side - he said it was definitely "less tiring".
- 19-09-2014, 08:00 AM #195