نبذة عن
this, that, these, those

Use this to talk about something which is near you
استخدم this للحديث عن شيء بالقرب منك
How much is this bag

Use these to talk about two or more things which are near you
استخدم these للحديث عن شيئين أو أكثر قريبة منك
Are these your keys

Use that to talk about one thing which is far from you
استخدم that للحديث عن شيء بعيد عنك
Is that your house

Use those to talk about two or more things which are far from you
استخدم those للحديث عن شيئين أو أكثر بعيدة عنك
Who are those children over there

You can contract is after that
بامكانك اختصار is بعد that

That is my dad. => That’s my dad

But do not contract is after this
ولكن لا تختصر is بعد this

This is my dad. => This is my dad

خطأ This’s my dad. wrong

Do not contract are after These / Those
لا تختصر are بعد these / those