النتائج 1 إلى 2 من 2
  1. #1
    الصورة الرمزية 3ammary
    3ammary غير متواجد حالياً عضو المتداول العربي
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2008

    02 gann best trading wheat 1909 ,some trials to explain

    "One of the most astonishing calculations made by Mr. Gann was during last summer [1909] when he predicted that September Wheat would sell at $1.20. This meant that it must touch that figure before the end of the month of September. At twelve o'clock, Chicago time, on September 30th (the last day) the option was selling below $1.08, and it looked as though his prediction would not be fulfilled. Mr. Gann said, 'If it does not touch $1.20 by the close of the market it will prove that there is something wrong with my whole method of calculation. I do not care what the price is now, it must go there.' It is common history that September Wheat surprised the whole country by selling at $1.20 and no higher in the very last hour of trading, closing at that figure."

    هذه محاولات مجمعة من مقالات لمحاولة فهم هذه ال trade

    من هنا
    آخر تعديل بواسطة 3ammary ، 13-08-2012 الساعة 03:56 PM

  2. #2
    الصورة الرمزية EMAD-D-GANN
    EMAD-D-GANN غير متواجد حالياً موقوف
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jun 2013
    المملكة العربية السعودية


    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة 3ammary مشاهدة المشاركة
    "One of the most astonishing calculations made by Mr. Gann was during last summer [1909] when he predicted that September Wheat would sell at $1.20. This meant that it must touch that figure before the end of the month of September. At twelve o'clock, Chicago time, on September 30th (the last day) the option was selling below $1.08, and it looked as though his prediction would not be fulfilled. Mr. Gann said, 'If it does not touch $1.20 by the close of the market it will prove that there is something wrong with my whole method of calculation. I do not care what the price is now, it must go there.' It is common history that September Wheat surprised the whole country by selling at $1.20 and no higher in the very last hour of trading, closing at that figure."

    هذه محاولات مجمعة من مقالات لمحاولة فهم هذه ال trade

    من هنا
    للرفع ياريت الاخ عماري لو عندك ملف الداتا بتاع القمح عام 1909 ترفعوا شاكرا للك

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