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  1. #1
    الصورة الرمزية مصرى وافتخر
    مصرى وافتخر غير متواجد حالياً عضو نشيط
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2011

    افتراضي A culture of frustration - and the way

    We all saw in his life that scene, a scene the little boy is taking its first steps Bakdmin weak, how often falter is located on the ground, then attempts to stand and walk again to fall again, yet he keeps on trying, and we see all around him, encouraging him in every way, to follow up the pace and never stops trying, and they're so happy, with the assertion that these steps will take him teetering inevitably lead to success and to walk at a steady pace and confident.

    But the scene changed a lot when he grows up that child, as established on the culture of despair and frustration, Fenrah does not seek such perseverance even find time not trying to get up again, and around him discourage the determination and detract from ambition, and we see the words of encouragement, you know why? It is the lack of self-confidence, fear of failure, and control of the culture of despair and frustration.

    The dominant culture in our societies could push each other sometimes to the satisfaction or satisfaction of a bad situation out of fear, which could be worse, we do not know what will lead to the experiment, Fenrvd to venture or take risks, and we refuse to pay the price of experience and it really makes us stand in the same place do not move forward! Despair and frustration within us kill any hope for change and progress.

    Many of the individuals in our communities have the aspirations and high expectations of themselves, but these ambitions and hopes remain trapped in the soul and conscience, and have no resonance in the reality of their lives; because they are not raising the spirit of initiative, persistence and work; and control of frustration on the soul.

    We see the reflection of this culture in the various areas within the community, for the social level, where the case of isolation and fear of interaction with those around us, until it became a lot of families and homes are isolated islands who is around, and individuals suffering from the loss of social experiences, and on the economic level, not a person can evaluate a project, even projects that take place in our societies are traditional projects reproduced from other communities that lack the sense of creativity, we do not think large companies rely on thought and the human mind.

    At the political level pushed the culture of frustration and fear of failure, the peoples of the region that lies under the rule of corrupt despotic regimes for decades even with the continued oppression Astute their life with death, only then moved the masses.

    The state of frustration and fear of failure is the first stumbling block in our way we put ourselves into the future; to Naouk by our movement, and when we are liberated from this condition, we will have our first our steps in the way of progress.

  2. #2
    الصورة الرمزية شذى22
    شذى22 غير متواجد حالياً عضو نشيط
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Aug 2010


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