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الموضوع: ماهو هذا الكود ؟؟
- 18-03-2012, 02:40 PM #1
ماهو هذا الكود ؟؟
ما هو هذا السورس ياشباب
كود://+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| !ObjectGet_EA.mq4 | //| Copyright © 2011, Daengrani | //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Copyright © 2011, MetaQuotes Software Corp." #property link "http://www.metaquotes.net" //---- includes //#include <debug.mqh> #include <WinUser32.mqh> #include <LibOrderReliable.mqh> extern string Set1_________ = "====== main_setting ======="; extern int JarakPips = 5; extern int TakeProfit = 120; extern int StopLoss = 120; extern int magic = 9999; extern int maxspread = 5; extern double slippage = 3.0; extern string Set2_________ = "====== lot_management ====="; extern double Lots = 0.1; // basic lot extern bool Dynamic_Lots = false; //TRUE jika ingin EA mengatur Lot berdasar RiskPercent extern double LotPercent = 10.0; //Persentase Lot dari Free Margin extern int lotsdigit = 1; //untuk Broker dgn minimal Lot = 0.01 extern bool Martingale = true; // false to deactivated this feature extern double Multiplier = 1.1; // previous lotsize will multiplied extern int DeepLevel = 10; // how many continue losses extern string Set3_________ = "======= Time Filter ======="; extern bool Trade1 = TRUE; //time filter untuk hari minggu extern bool Trade2 = TRUE; //time filter untuk hari senin s/d kamis extern int StartHour2 = 0; //start hour untuk hari senin s/d kamis extern int EndHour2 = 24; //end hour untuk hari senin s/d kamis extern bool Trade3 = TRUE; //time filter untuk hari jumat extern int StartHour3 = 0; //start hour untuk hari jumat extern int EndHour3 = 23; //end hour untuk hari jumat extern bool close_all = TRUE; //close all order setelah non-aktif trading (termasuk pending order) extern int CloseMinute = 1; //end hour untuk hari jumat //<< Global Variables >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> string gs_148; string gs_156; double gd_176; string gs_comment_120 = "!ObjectGet_EA"; double pips2points, // slippage 3 pips 3=points 30=points pips2dbl; // Stoploss 15 pips 0.0015 0.00150 int Digits.pips; // DoubleToStr(dbl/pips2dbl, Digits.pips) double dGaris, stoplevel, spread, dAsk, dBid; //<< End >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> //+==================================================================+ //| expert initialization function | //+==================================================================+ int init() { if (Digits == 3 || Digits == 5){ // Adjust for five (5) digit brokers. pips2dbl = Point*10; pips2points = 10; Digits.pips = 1; } else { pips2dbl = Point; pips2points = 1; Digits.pips = 0; } // OrderSend(... Slippage.Pips * pips2points, Bid - StopLossPips * pips2dbl return (0); } //+==================================================================+ //| expert deinitialization function | //+==================================================================+ int deinit() { Comment(""); return (0); } //+==================================================================+ //| expert start function | //+==================================================================+ int start() { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // membatasi User dengan Expired Date string expire_date = "2020.09.30"; //<-- hard coded datetime datetime e_d = StrToTime(expire_date); if (CurTime() >= e_d) { Alert ("Versi Trial/Gratis udah expired Bos!"); return(0); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (IsTradeAllowed() == FALSE) return (0); if (!IsTradeTime()) { if (close_all && Minute() >= CloseMinute) CloseAll(); CloseAll(); CloseAll(); return(0); } //<<< risk management >>>>>>>>>>>> if (Dynamic_Lots)LotCalculate(); //<<< Indicators & MarketInfo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dGaris = NormalizeDouble(ObjectGet("Garis",1),Digits); stoplevel = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_STOPLEVEL)*Point; spread = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_SPREAD)*Point; dAsk = NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK), Digits); dBid = NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID), Digits); InfoLayar(); //<<< Counting Order >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // ini untuk menghitung Order int i_ord_total = OrdersTotal(); int i_count = 0; int i_countB = 0; int i_countS = 0; for (int i_pos = 0; i_pos < i_ord_total; i_pos++) { OrderSelect(i_pos, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES); if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) { if (OrderMagicNumber() == magic) { i_count++; if (OrderType() == OP_BUY||OrderType() == OP_BUYSTOP||OrderType() == OP_BUYLIMIT) i_countB++; if (OrderType() == OP_SELL||OrderType() == OP_SELLSTOP||OrderType() == OP_SELLLIMIT) i_countS++; } } } //<<< Open & Close Order >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (i_countB == 0 && spread <= maxspread*pips2points) { if (ObjectFind("Garis")!=-1) { if (Close[1] > dGaris) { OrderSendReliableMKT(Symbol(), OP_BUY, mylot(), dAsk, slippage * pips2points, dBid-StopLoss*pips2dbl, dAsk+TakeProfit*pips2dbl, gs_comment_120, magic, 0 , DodgerBlue); } } } if (i_countS == 0 && spread <= maxspread*pips2points) { if (ObjectFind("Garis")!=-1) { if (Close[1] < dGaris) { OrderSendReliableMKT(Symbol(), OP_SELL, mylot(), dBid, slippage * pips2points, dAsk+StopLoss*pips2dbl, dBid-TakeProfit*pips2dbl, gs_comment_120,magic,0,Pink); } } } // OrderSendReliable2Step digunakan agar bisa trade di ECN return (0); } void InfoLayar() { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Comment(""); komentar (1, ":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::",""); komentar (2, "T I M E", TimeToStr(CurTime(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES)); komentar (3, "NAMA", AccountName()); komentar (4, "No. ACC", AccountNumber()); komentar (5, "BROKER", AccountCompany()); komentar (6, "LEVERAGE", "1:"+DoubleToStr(AccountLeverage(),0)); komentar (7, "BALANCE", DoubleToStr (AccountBalance(),2)); komentar (8, "EQUITY", DoubleToStr (AccountEquity(),2)); komentar (9, "MAGIC", DoubleToStr (magic,0)); komentar (10, ":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::",""); komentar (11, "Spread", DoubleToStr(spread/Point,1)); komentar (12, "StopLevel", DoubleToStr(stoplevel/Point,1)); komentar (13, "Trend", gs_148); komentar (14, "Action", gs_156); komentar (15, ":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::",""); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// return; } //<<< Trailing Stop >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // Di bawah ini adalah fungsi untuk Trailing Stop berdasarkan Bands dari indicator Envelope //<<< Check For Losses >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bool checkforlosses() // we check our last closed order { // from losses here int losses=0; // total of losses int i; // pos of our order for(i=0; i<OrdersHistoryTotal(); i++) // looping to check all of our { // order history from pos 0 until // last pos OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_HISTORY); // is it right our order? if(OrderSymbol()!=Symbol() || // if symbol of order didn't match OrderMagicNumber()!=magic) // with current chart symbol continue; // or the magic numb of order // didn't match with our magic // number, it is not our's, just don't check it if(OrderProfit()<0) losses++; // so we count it as a losses 'cause negative profit else losses=0; // otherwise we leave it as is } if(losses>0) return(true); // if last of our order is in losses // true "value" will returned from this function return(false); // when there is no losses false will returned } //<<< Last Lot >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> double lastlot() // we will find last lot size { // order with this function double lot=0; // lot size int i; // pos of our order for(i=0; i<OrdersHistoryTotal(); i++) // looping to check all of our { // order history from pos 0 until // last pos OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_HISTORY); // is it right our order? if(OrderSymbol()!=Symbol() || // if symbol of order didn't match OrderMagicNumber()!=magic) // with current chart symbol continue; // or the magic numb of order // didn't match with our magic // number, it is not our's lot=OrderLots(); // last lot } return(lot); // last lot size returned } //<<< Martingale Function >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> double mylot() // we calculate for next lot here { // when a loss occured or not int prec=0; // precision value double lot, // lot size minlot, // minimal size of lot maxlot, // maximal size of lot maxlotX; // maximal size of martingale lot minlot=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MINLOT); // get brokers minimal lot size maxlot=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MAXLOT); // get brokers maximal lot size if(lotsdigit == 2) prec=2; // get precision value if(lotsdigit == 1) prec=1; // get precision value maxlotX=NormalizeDouble(Lots*MathPow(Multiplier,DeepLevel), prec); //get max. // martingale lotsize ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(Martingale) // if martingale activated { if(checkforlosses()) // if last order is in losses { lot=NormalizeDouble(lastlot()*Multiplier,prec); // martingale lot } else { lot=Lots; // normal lot } } else { lot=Lots; // normal lot } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(lot>maxlot) return(Lots); // if lot size is bigger than broker rules, // we change it into StartLot value if(lot>maxlotX) return(Lots); // if lot size is bigger than martingale level, // we change it into StartLot value if(lot<minlot) return(minlot); // if lot size smaller than minlot, we change // into monlot value return(lot); // lot size returned } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LotCalculate() { double MinLots=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MINLOT); double MaxLots=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MAXLOT); Lots=AccountEquity()/100000*LotPercent; Lots=MathMin(MaxLots,MathMax(MinLots,Lots)); if(lotsdigit == 2)Lots=NormalizeDouble(Lots,2); else { if(lotsdigit == 1)Lots=NormalizeDouble(Lots,1); else Lots=NormalizeDouble(Lots,0); } if(Lots<MinLots)Lots=MinLots; if(Lots>MaxLots)Lots=MaxLots; return(0); } //<<< Time Filter >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bool IsTradeTime() { if((Trade1==false && DayOfWeek()==0) || (Trade2 && DayOfWeek()>=1 && DayOfWeek()<=4 && !(Hour()>=StartHour2 && Hour()<EndHour2)) || (Trade3 && DayOfWeek()==5 && !(Hour()>=StartHour3 && Hour()<EndHour3))) return(FALSE); else return(TRUE); } //<<< Close All Trades >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> void CloseAll() { int total = OrdersTotal(); bool do_again = false; for(int i=total-1; !do_again && i>=0;i--) { OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS); int type = OrderType(); bool result = false; switch(type) { //Close opened long positions case OP_BUY : result = OrderCloseReliableMKT( OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), dBid, slippage * pips2points, DodgerBlue ); do_again = true; break; //Close opened short positions case OP_SELL : result = OrderCloseReliableMKT( OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), dAsk, slippage * pips2points, Pink ); do_again = true; break; //Close pending orders case OP_BUYLIMIT : case OP_BUYSTOP : case OP_SELLLIMIT : case OP_SELLSTOP : result = OrderDeleteReliable( OrderTicket() ); do_again = true; break; } if(result == false) { Alert("Order " , OrderTicket() , " failed to close. Error:" , GetLastError() ); Sleep(3000); } } return(0); } //<<< Comment >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> void komentar (int baris, string label1, string label2) { if (!IsTradeAllowed() || !IsExpertEnabled()) {ObjectDelete("baris0"); return (0);} int x,y; switch(baris) { case 1: x=15; y= 60; break; case 2: x=15; y= 75; break; case 3: x=15; y= 90; break; case 4: x=15; y=105; break; case 5: x=15; y=120; break; case 6: x=15; y=135; break; case 7: x=15; y=150; break; case 8: x=15; y=165; break; case 9: x=15; y=180; break; case 10: x=15; y=195; break; case 11: x=15; y=210; break; case 12: x=15; y=225; break; case 13: x=15; y=240; break; case 14: x=15; y=255; break; case 15: x=15; y=270; break; case 16: x=15; y=285; break; case 17: x=15; y=300; break; case 18: x= 15; y=315; break; } Monitor("baris0", WindowExpertName()+ " IS RUNNING", 9, 15, 35, Aqua,1); Monitor("baris00", "Modified by [email protected] (>_<)", 12, 20, 10, Aqua,3); Monitor("baris"+baris, label1, 8, x, y, Aqua,1); Monitor("baris_"+baris, ":", 8, x+70, y, Aqua,1); Monitor("baris-"+baris, label2, 8, x+80, y, Aqua,1); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Monitor(string nama, string isi, int ukuran, int x, int y, color warna, int pojok) { if (ObjectFind(nama)<0) {ObjectCreate (nama,OBJ_LABEL,0,0,0,0,0);} ObjectSet (nama,OBJPROP_CORNER,pojok); ObjectSet (nama,OBJPROP_XDISTANCE,x); ObjectSet (nama,OBJPROP_YDISTANCE,y); ObjectSetText (nama,isi,ukuran,"Tahoma",warna); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////*****|||*****\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
- 18-03-2012, 02:43 PM #2
سورس كود اكسبيرت ياغالى ObjectGet_EA.mq4
- 18-03-2012, 07:43 PM #3
إكسبرت يعتمد في فتح الصفقات بناء على خطوط يتم رسمها على الشارت
- 18-03-2012, 09:27 PM #4
الله يجزيكم الخير
انا حاولت شغله بس ما اشتغل
يعني الخطوط ارسمها يدويا وهو بيفتح صفقات على اساسها
- 18-03-2012, 09:47 PM #5
- 18-03-2012, 10:41 PM #6
وجدت هذا الكود ينفع
كود://============================================================================= // LibOrderReliable.mqh // // Copyright © 2006, Matthew Kennel // [email protected] // Copyright © 2007, Derk Wehler // [email protected] // // Header File for library: LibOrderRelaible.mq4 // // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** // LICENSING: This is free, open source software, licensed under // Version 2 of the GNU General Public License (GPL). // // In particular, this means that distribution of this software in a binary // format, e.g. as compiled in as part of a .ex4 format, must be accompanied // by the non-obfuscated source code of both this file, AND the .mq4 source // files which it is compiled with, or you must make such files available at // no charge to binary recipients. If you do not agree with such terms you // must not use this code. Detailed terms of the GPL are widely available // on the Internet. The Library GPL (LGPL) was intentionally not used, // therefore the source code of files which link to this are subject to // terms of the GPL if binaries made from them are publicly distributed or // sold. // // ANY USE OF THIS CODE NOT CONFORMING TO THIS LICENSE MUST FIRST RECEIVE // PRIOR AUTHORIZATION FROM THE AUTHOR(S). ANY COMMERCIAL USE MUST FIRST // OBTAIN A COMMERCIAL LICENSE FROM THE AUTHOR(S). // // Copyright (2007), Derk Wehler, [email protected] // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** // //============================================================================= #property copyright "Copyright © 2007, Derk Wehler, Matt Kennell" #property link "[email protected]" #import "LibOrderReliable.ex4" int OrderSendReliable(string symbol, int cmd, double volume, double price, int slippage, double stoploss, double takeprofit, string comment, int magic, datetime expiration = 0, color arrow_color = CLR_NONE); int OrderSendReliableMKT(string symbol, int cmd, double volume, double price, int slippage, double stoploss, double takeprofit, string comment, int magic, datetime expiration = 0, color arrow_color = CLR_NONE); int OrderSendReliable2Step(string symbol, int cmd, double volume, double price, int slippage, double stoploss, double takeprofit, string comment, int magic, datetime expiration = 0, color arrow_color = CLR_NONE); bool OrderModifyReliable(int ticket, double price, double stoploss, double takeprofit, datetime expiration, color arrow_color = CLR_NONE); bool OrderModifyReliableSymbol(string symbol, int ticket, double price, double stoploss, double takeprofit, datetime expiration, color arrow_color = CLR_NONE); bool OrderCloseReliable(int ticket, double lots, double price, int slippage, color arrow_color = CLR_NONE); bool OrderDeleteReliable(int ticket); int OrderReliableLastErr(); string OrderReliableErrTxt(int err); void OrderReliableSetErrorLevel(int level); void OrderReliablePrint(string s); string OrderReliable_CommandString(int cmd); void OrderReliable_EnsureValidSL(string symbol, double price, double& sl); void OrderReliable_EnsureValidTP(string symbol, double price, double& tp); void OrderReliable_SleepRandomTime(double mean_time, double max_time); string OrderType2String(int type); void LimitToMarket(bool limit2market);