النتائج 1 إلى 6 من 6
الموضوع: ما هي آخر أخبار شركة Refco
- 30-05-2006, 12:37 PM #1
ما هي آخر أخبار شركة Refco
مرحبا شباب
ما أدري يا شباب هل في أخبار حول حسابات شركة رفكو
لأني جربت نزلت برنامج التداول من شركة FXCM
واستخدمت رقم الحساب الخاص برفكو فاشتغل البرنامج
لكني سألت الدعم الفني في FXCM فقالولي إن حسابات رفكو ما انتقلت.
- 30-05-2006, 02:29 PM #2
مشاركة: ما هي آخر أخبار شركة Refco
ما انتقلت ولا شي
لكن بخصوص البرنامج
فهو عشان ان برنامج رفكو نفس برنامج fxcm
لذلك يفتح معاك الحساب
لكن لم تنتقل الحسابات الى fxcm
واسأل الله العظيم ان يفك عنكم كربتكم
وعلى ما اعتقد يا عزيزي ان شركة ريفكو
طلبت من كل من يطالبها بالأتصال عليهم
هذا الكلام قبل اقل من شهر
وبإذن الله حقكم راجع لكم
- 30-05-2006, 03:31 PM #3
مشاركة: ما هي آخر أخبار شركة Refco
السلام عليكم ...
من المفروض ان تستلم قريباً فى البريد خطاباً مذكور فيه المبالغ المتاحة لك لدى رفكو ... و عليك بتأكيدها اذا كانت صحيحة أو الاعتراض عليها اذا كانت خاطئة ... و فى كلتا الحالتين تقوم بارسال هذه الأوراق مرة أخرى الى رفكو قبل منتصف شهر يوليو 2006.
و بعد ذلك سيقرروا مصير هذه النقود لديهم.
و لكن يبدو ان فرص استرجاع مبالغنا قليلىة أو اننا سنستعيد مبلغاً أقل !!
الله أعلم ..
و حسبنا الله و نعم الوكيل.
- 30-05-2006, 08:20 PM #4
مشاركة: ما هي آخر أخبار شركة Refco
شباب هذه آخر رسالة وصلتني من الشركة ما أدري إيش المقصود فيها:
From:[email protected] To:[email protected]:Subject:Refco 341 NoticeDate:Thu, 13 Apr 2006 14:52:11 -0400
In re : Chapter 11
REFCO INC., et al., : Case No. 05-60006 (RDD)
: (Jointly Administered)
Debtors. :
On October 17, 2005, the debtors and debtors-in-possession in the above-captioned cases (collectively, the "Debtors") filed voluntary petitions for relief under chapter 11 of title 11 of the United States Code, 11 U.S.C. §§ 101 - 1532 (the "Bankruptcy Code"). A list of the Debtors, and their respective addresses, case numbers and federal tax identification numbers is provided herein.
DATE, TIME AND LOCATION OF MEETING OF CREDITORS. April 18, 2006, at 10 a.m., prevailing Eastern Time, at the New York Marriot Marquis, 1535 Broadway, Marquis Ball Room, New York, New York 10036.
NAME, ADDRESS AND TELEPHONE NUMBER OF TRUSTEE. None appointed to date; however, the Court has directed the United State Trustee to appoint a chapter 11 trustee in the case of Refco Capital Markets, Ltd. To date, no such chapter 11 trustee has been appointed.
Sally McDonald Henry
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
4 Times Square
New York, New York 10036
COMMENCEMENT OF CASES. Petitions for relief under chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code have been filed in this Court by the Debtors, and orders for relief have been entered. You will not receive notice of all documents filed in these cases. All documents filed with the Court, including lists of the Debtors' property and debts, will be available for inspection at the Office of the Clerk of the Bankruptcy Court. In addition, such documents may be available online free of charge at http://www.refcodocket.com or, for a fee, on the Court's website, http://www.nysb.uscourts.gov, and can be viewed with a PACER password (to obtain a PACER password, go to the PACER website, http://pacer.psc.uscourts.gov).
PURPOSE OF CHAPTER 11 FILING. Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code enables a debtor to reorganize pursuant to a plan. A plan is not effective unless approved by the Court at a confirmation hearing. Creditors will be given notice concerning any plan. The Debtors will remain in possession of their property and will continue to administer their estates unless a trustee is appointed.
CREDITORS MAY NOT TAKE CERTAIN ACTIONS. A creditor is anyone to whom a debtor owes money or property. Under the Bankruptcy Code, a debtor is granted certain protection against creditors. Common examples of prohibited actions by creditors are contacting a debtor to demand repayment, taking action against a debtor to collect money owed to creditors or to take property of a debtor, and starting or continuing foreclosure actions or repossessions. If unauthorized actions are taken by a creditor against a debtor, the Court may penalize that creditor. A creditor who is considering taking action against a debtor or the property of a debtor should review § 362 of the Bankruptcy Code and may wish to seek legal advice. The staff of the Clerk of the Bankruptcy Court are not permitted to give legal advice.
MEETING OF CREDITORS. The Debtors' representative, as specified in Rule 9001(5) of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure (the "Bankruptcy Rules"), is required to appear at the meeting of creditors on the date and at the place set forth above for the purpose of being examined under oath. Attendance by creditors at the meeting is welcomed, but not required. At the meeting, the creditors may examine the Debtors and transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting. The meeting may be continued or adjourned from time to time by notice at the meeting, without further written notice to the creditors.
CLAIMS. Schedules of creditors have been filed pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 1007. Any creditor holding a scheduled claim which is not listed as disputed, contingent, or unliquidated as to amount may, but is not required to, file a proof of claim in these cases. Creditors whose claims are not scheduled or whose claims are listed as disputed, contingent, or unliquidated as to amount and who desire to participate in the cases or share in any distribution must file their proofs of claim. A creditor who desires to rely on the schedule of creditors has the responsibility for determining that the claim is listed accurately. Separate notice of the deadlines to file proofs of claim and proof of claim forms will be provided to the Debtors' known creditors. Proof of claim forms are available in the clerk's office of any bankruptcy court. Proof of claim forms are also available at http://www.refcoclaimsdocket.com. Proof of claim forms may be filed at the following address:
By mail:
United States Bankruptcy Court, Southern District of New York
P.O. Box 5175
Bowling Green Station
New York, New York 10274 5043
By hand or overnight courier:
United States Bankruptcy Court, Southern District of New York
One Bowling Green
Room 534
New York, New York 10004-1408
DISCHARGE OF DEBTS. Confirmation of a chapter 11 plan may result in a discharge of debts, which may include all or part of your debt. See Bankruptcy Code § 1141(d). A discharge means that you may never try to collect the debt from the debtor, except as provided in the plan.
For the Court: Kathleen Farrell-Willoughby Dated: March 24, 2006
Clerk of Court
United States Bankruptcy Court for the
Southern District of New York
DEBTORRefco Inc.
Tax Id. No.
One World Financial
200 Liberty Street, Tower A
New York, New York 10281
05-60006Bersec International LLC
One World Financial
200 Liberty Street, Tower A
New York, New York 10281
05-60009Kroeck & Associates, LLC
1030 West Van Buren
Chicago, Illinois 60607
05-60019Marshall Metals LLC
29 Dumont Road
Far Hills, NJ 07931
05-60012New Refco Group Ltd., LLC
One World Financial
200 Liberty Street, Tower A
New York, New York 10281
05-60014Refco Administration LLC
One World Financial
200 Liberty Street, Tower A
New York, New York 10281
05-60020Refco Capital LLC
One World Financial
200 Liberty Street, Tower A
New York, New York 10281
05-60022Refco Capital Holdings LLC
One World Financial
200 Liberty Street, Tower A
New York, New York 10281
05-60017Refco Capital Management LLC
One World Financial
200 Liberty Street, Tower A
New York, New York 10281
05-60010Refco Capital Markets, LTD
Rosebank Building,
12 Bermudian Road
Hamilton HMII, Bermuda
05-60018Refco Capital Trading LLC
One World Financial
200 Liberty Street, Tower A
New York, New York 10281
05-60026Refco Finance Inc.
One World Financial
200 Liberty Street, Tower A
New York, New York 10281
05-60016Refco Financial LLC
One World Financial
200 Liberty Street, Tower A
New York, New York 10281
05-60013Refco Fixed Assets Management LLC
One World Financial
200 Liberty Street, Tower A
New York, New York 10281
05-60029Refco F/X Associates LLC
One World Financial
200 Liberty Street, Tower A
New York, New York 10281
05-60023Refco Global Capital Management LLC
One World Financial
200 Liberty Street, Tower A
New York, New York 10281
05-60011Refco Global Finance Ltd.
Rosebank Building ,
12 Bermudian Road
Hamilton HMII, Bermuda
05-60007Refco Global Futures LLC
One World Financial
200 Liberty Street, Tower A
New York, New York 10281
05-60024Refco Global Holdings LLC
One World Financial
200 Liberty Street, Tower A
New York, New York 10281
05-60028Refco Group Ltd., LLC
One World Financial
200 Liberty Street, Tower A
New York, New York 10281
05-60027Refco Information Services LLC
One World Financial
200 Liberty Street, Tower A
New York, New York 10281
05-60008Refco Mortgage Securities, LLC
One World Financial
200 Liberty Street, Tower A
New York, New York 10281
05-60021Refco Regulated Companies LLC
One World Financial
200 Liberty Street, Tower A
New York, New York 10281
05-60015Summit Management LLC
550 West Jackson Blvd.
Suite 1300
Chicago, IL 60661
- 31-05-2006, 08:32 AM #5
مشاركة: ما هي آخر أخبار شركة Refco
انا وصلتني نفس الرسالة السابقة , ياترى مافي حد من ادارة المنتدى او الاخوة الاعضاء يقدر يساعدنا ويترجم لنا المقصود منها .(رجاءا التكرم علينا بهذه المساعدة)
عسى ان تكون بشرة خير باعادة بعض من اموالنا التي ضاعت مع ريفكو ..
- 01-06-2006, 11:14 AM #6
مشاركة: ما هي آخر أخبار شركة Refco
مافي ردود ياجماعة ..؟
المواضيع المتشابهه
آخر أخبار شركة ريفكو
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