النتائج 1 إلى 11 من 11
- 20-01-2012, 11:50 PM #1
- 22-01-2012, 10:11 PM #2
- 22-01-2012, 11:32 PM #3
hello Mr dollar ..
i am working with a scalping strategy and need a timing closer EA that can run on urousd chart to only close treads after opening with my times limited .
my treads profit is 10 Pip and time to close is less than 60 min...i wanted this EA to can close trades automatically when time is out ...
for example :
take profit =10 pip
stop lost = 50 pip
time out seting :
more than 30 min close if > = 6 pip profit
more than 45 min close if > = 4 pip profit
more than 60 min close if > = 2 pip profit
more than 70 min close if < = - 2 pip lost
more than 90 min close if <=-10 pip lost
and all number can be variable to change and set it with best result ..
we can use this EA also with some others EA that dosnt have closing strategy ...
thank you
- 24-01-2012, 10:32 PM #4
- 24-01-2012, 11:54 PM #5
Best regards
- 25-01-2012, 12:59 AM #6
dear Mr dollar ..
EA closes all treads immediately after opening..i think have a problem...
- 25-01-2012, 01:20 AM #7
- 25-01-2012, 03:33 AM #8
... thank you ...it is working good now ...
- 25-01-2012, 03:33 PM #9
hello Mr.Dollar
hope you be fine...
i checked EA and out time action is correct and working good after timing out ...
but about stop lost :
for example when i put 10 in first timeout, and put -10 for stoplost ,EA is closing tread in any price after 10 min ..and this is not good ..because we need to close tread after 10 min if stop lost is -10 ,-9,-8.-7.-6.-5,-4,-3,-2,-1...
that means if we are in a trade and we are in -35 pip lost , EA must wait till lost be -10 or (less) than -10
and if we dont go to -10 or( less ) then -10 in timeout 1 EA must goes to timeout 2 and till end...
and about take profit:
for example,if we put 8 in take profit after timeout1 EA must check if take profit is 8 or (more) than 8
it must close trade ,and that means if we are in take profit 7, EA must not close ,EA must wait ,,that means we will go to timeout2 for closing trade
and till end...
thank you for you help..
best regards..
- 25-01-2012, 07:43 PM #10
- 26-01-2012, 12:48 AM #11thanks Mr.dollar for timeout EA V2...
i tested ver 2 today .... EA closes tread immediately after timeout1 only .in any price it is. .it does not check tp and sl i think for closing
in my idea ..we must separate take profit timeout with stop lost timeout..
i think we must delete (Stop lost) in timeout1 and timeout 2 and time out 3 and time out 4 and timeout5 and timeout 6 ..
and then must put stoplost1 in timeout 7 and stoplost2 in timeout8 and stoplost3 in timeout9 and stoplost4 in timeout 10 and stoplost 5 in timeout11,and stoplost6 in timeout12...
example :
our real take profit is 10 pip
timeout1 =30
timeout2 = 40
takeprofit2 = 6
timeout3 = 45
takeprofit3 = 4
timeout4 = 50
takeprofit4 = 3
timeout5 = 55
takeprofit5 =1
timeout 6 = 60
takeprofit6 =0
timeout7= 65
stoplost1= -1
timeout8 =70
stoplost2= -2
timeout9 = 80
stoplost4 = -4
timeout11 =90
stoplost 5 =-5
timeout12 =100
stoplost6 =-10
with this algorithm i think it work very better .. because we dont need close tread immediately after timeout1 ..EA must wait in tread till catching tp,and after 60 min for example, if it can not catch to Profit then we must go on stop lost closing.....
thank you very much ..