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الموضوع: فيديو رقمي وزمني لمحبي الرقمي
- 12-03-2011, 02:31 PM #16
رد: فيديو رقمي وزمني لمحبي الرقمي
مشكور على الفيديو اخي
- 12-03-2011, 09:06 PM #17
رد: فيديو رقمي وزمني لمحبي الرقمي
كما وعدتكم هذا رابط لبعض العلوم الرقميه
- 12-03-2011, 09:10 PM #18
رد: فيديو رقمي وزمني لمحبي الرقمي
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6n8hK...eature=related وهذا الرابط جميع الفيديوهات اللتي موجوده فيه ممتعه جدا اتمنى ان تشاهدوها
وان تاخذوا فكرة عامه عن علم الارقام وبعدها ثق ثقه تامه انك سوف تبدع في الشارت سواء بتحويل الارقام الى مؤشرات او تتبعها زمنيا او سعريا
رابط اخر
وهذا امتع وامتع وبرضه الفيديوهات اللتي بجانبه الكثيره وخاصة لهذا الشخص اللذي يتحدث فهي ممتازه
وتقبلوا تحياتي
- 12-03-2011, 10:23 PM #19
رد: فيديو رقمي وزمني لمحبي الرقمي
The Mysterious Number 7
Many people have asked me why I never post information about the “7″ days. Typically, I only post info about the days upon which the Maya actually perform ceremonies — 1, 6, 8 and 9, and more rarely on 13. I have seen ceremony performed on the evening of a 7 day — but only because the energy of the following important 8 day is beginning to make itself manifest.
Still, one may wonder — if we place the 13 numbers in the form of a pyramid, 7 is at the top. Why, then, are there no ceremonies connected with “7″ days?
The number 7 may sometimes represents death, or at least “endings.” The reason for this may not be readily apparent. But take a look at any tzolk’in diagram. Any day-sign sequence beginning with a 1 will end in a 7. The order goes like this: 1, 8, 2, 9, 3, 10, 4, 11, 5, 12, 6, 13, 7.
This is why 7 is so often considered a symbol of endings. In the Popol Vuh, the Hero Twins are named 1 Hunahpu and 7 Hunahpu, while the most important Underworld Lords are named 1 Death and 7 Death. When 1 and 7 are paired together in such a fashion, it is as if we were saying: “The beginning and end of the Hero Twins archetype,” or “The alpha and omega of the Death archetype.”
There is also a character in the Popol Vuh named Seven Macaw — a silly bird who came to believe that he was God, though in fact he represented the various failings of which we are all capable. These are sometimes called the “seven sins” or “seven wrong-doings,” though they should not by any means be confused with the 7 sins of Christianity, which are quite different. Still, the number 7 may symbolize our propensity to become confused on the path of life.
When I was taught about the nine-sign horoscope called the Path of Feathered Serpent, which is derived from counting in combinations of 7 and 9, I was told that it represented the weaving of life (9 for the 9 months in the mother’s womb) and death (our old friend 7).
The number 7 also illustrates how a number may have one meaning in terms of its ritual symbolism and another meaning in terms of personal astrology. To be born on a 7 day is not inauspicious – it does not signify death. Since 7 is midway between 1 and 13, a person born on a 7 day can see both backwards and forwards and may be indecisive, uncertain of which way to go. In other words, being a 7 is a bit like being a Libra in Western astrology! In much the same way, if natives of a 7 day can learn to take action, their ability to see things from all sides makes them capable of amazing creativity and power
- 16-03-2011, 02:55 AM #20
رد: فيديو رقمي وزمني لمحبي الرقمي
- 17-03-2011, 12:07 AM #21
رد: فيديو رقمي وزمني لمحبي الرقمي
جزاك الله خيرا
- 17-03-2011, 01:13 AM #22
رد: فيديو رقمي وزمني لمحبي الرقمي
ولك بالمثل اخي ماكس
انا انزل كل ماهو مفيد في التفكير خارج الصندوق فقط