النتائج 1 إلى 13 من 13
  1. #1
    الصورة الرمزية صدام
    صدام غير متواجد حالياً عضو المتداول العربي
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2009

    افتراضي رسالة خطأ كيف يمكن علاجها ؟ الاخوه المبرمجين أفادكم الله

    السلام عليكم
    توجد رسال خطا تظهر عند محاول عمل باكتيست للأكسبرت
    2012.12.05 13:33:23 2012.01.02 11:26 Cannot open file 'D:\ÇßÓÈÑÊ\experts\i ndicators\Heiken Ashi MA.ex4' on the AUDUSD,H1
    نأمل التكرم بالمعالجه
    وسأرفق الكود الخاص بالمؤشر والاكسبرت ولكن أرجو ان يتم تحويلها الى ملفات فعاله
    كود المؤشر
    //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Heiken Ashi Ma.mq4 | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| mod by Raff | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Copyright � 2006, Forex-TSD.com " #property link "http://www.forex-tsd.com/" #property indicator_chart_window #property indicator_buffers 4 #property indicator_color1 DarkOrange #property indicator_color2 Turquoise #property indicator_color3 Red #property indicator_color4 RoyalBlue //---- parameters extern int MaMetod = 1; extern int MaPeriod = 20; //---- buffers double ExtMapBuffer1[]; double ExtMapBuffer2[]; double ExtMapBuffer3[]; double ExtMapBuffer4[]; //---- int ExtCountedBars=0; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Custom indicator initialization function | //|------------------------------------------------------------------| int init() { //---- indicators SetIndexStyle(0,DRAW_HISTOGRAM, 0, 1, Red); SetIndexBuffer(0, ExtMapBuffer1); SetIndexStyle(1,DRAW_HISTOGRAM, 0, 1, RoyalBlue); SetIndexBuffer(1, ExtMapBuffer2); SetIndexStyle(2,DRAW_HISTOGRAM, 0, 3, Red); SetIndexBuffer(2, ExtMapBuffer3); SetIndexStyle(3,DRAW_HISTOGRAM, 0, 3, RoyalBlue); SetIndexBuffer(3, ExtMapBuffer4); //---- SetIndexDrawBegin(0,5); //---- indicator buffers mapping SetIndexBuffer(0,ExtMapBuffer1); SetIndexBuffer(1,ExtMapBuffer2); SetIndexBuffer(2,ExtMapBuffer3); SetIndexBuffer(3,ExtMapBuffer4); //---- initialization done return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Custor indicator deinitialization function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int deinit() { //---- TODO: add your code here //---- return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Custom indicator iteration function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int start() { double maOpen, maClose, maLow, maHigh; double haOpen, haHigh, haLow, haClose; if(Bars<=10) return(0); ExtCountedBars=IndicatorCounted(); //---- check for possible errors if (ExtCountedBars<0) return(-1); //---- last counted bar will be recounted if (ExtCountedBars>0) ExtCountedBars--; int pos=Bars-ExtCountedBars-1; while(pos>=0) { maOpen=iMA(NULL,0,MaPeriod,0,MaMetod,MODE_OPEN,pos ); maClose=iMA(NULL,0,MaPeriod,0,MaMetod,MODE_CLOSE,p os); maLow=iMA(NULL,0,MaPeriod,0,MaMetod,MODE_LOW,pos); maHigh=iMA(NULL,0,MaPeriod,0,MaMetod,MODE_HIGH,pos ); haOpen=(ExtMapBuffer3[pos+1]+ExtMapBuffer4[pos+1])/2; haClose=(maOpen+maHigh+maLow+maClose)/4; haHigh=MathMax(maHigh, MathMax(haOpen, haClose)); haLow=MathMin(maLow, MathMin(haOpen, haClose)); if (haOpen<haClose) { ExtMapBuffer1[pos]=haLow; ExtMapBuffer2[pos]=haHigh; } else { ExtMapBuffer1[pos]=haHigh; ExtMapBuffer2[pos]=haLow; } ExtMapBuffer3[pos]=haOpen; ExtMapBuffer4[pos]=haClose; pos--; } //---- return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+

    كود الاكسبرت
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Copyright � 2011, www.lifesdream.org // http://www.lifesdream.org // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include <stdlib.mqh> #include <stderror.mqh> #property copyright "Copyright � 2011, www.lifesdream.org" #property link "http://www.lifesdream.org" // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // VARIABLES EXTERNAS // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ extern int magic = 14709; // Configuration extern string www.lifesdream.org = "Heiken Ashi MA EA v1.3"; extern string CommonSettings = "---------------------------------------------"; extern int user_slippage = 2; extern int user_tp = 70; extern int user_sl = 70; extern int use_tp_sl = 1; extern double profit_lock = 0.90; extern string MoneyManagementSettings = "---------------------------------------------"; // Money Management extern int money_management = 1; extern double min_lots = 0.1; extern int risk=5; extern int progression = 0; // 0=none | 1:ascending | 2:martingale // Indicator extern string IndicatorSettings = "---------------------------------------------"; extern int ma_mode=1; // Optimization extern double ma_period=35; // Optimization extern int shift = 1; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // VARIABLES GLOBALES // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ string key = "Heiken Ashi MA EA v1.3"; // Definimos 1 variable para guardar los tickets int order_tickets; // Definimos 1 variable para guardar los lotes double order_lots; // Definimos 1 variable para guardar las valores de apertura de las ordenes double order_price; // Definimos 1 variable para guardar los beneficios double order_profit; // Definimos 1 variable para guardar los tiempos int order_time; // indicadores double signal=0; // Cantidad de ordenes; int orders = 0; int direction= 0; double max_profit=0, close_profit=0; double last_order_profit=0, last_order_lots=0; // Colores color c=Black; // Cuenta double balance, equity; int slippage=0; // OrderReliable int retry_attempts = 10; double sleep_time = 4.0; double sleep_maximum = 25.0; // in seconds string OrderReliable_Fname = "OrderReliable fname unset"; static int _OR_err = 0; string OrderReliableVersion = "V1_1_1"; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // START // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int start() { double point = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_POINT); double dd=0; int ticket, i, n; double price; bool cerrada, encontrada; balance=AccountBalance(); equity=AccountEquity(); if (MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_DIGITS)==4) { slippage = user_slippage; } else if (MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_DIGITS)==5) { slippage = 10*user_slippage; } if(IsTradeAllowed() == false) { Comment("Copyright � 2011, www.lifesdream.org\nTrade not allowed."); return; } user_sl = user_tp; if (use_tp_sl==0) Comment(StringConcatenate("\nCopyright � 2011, www.lifesdream.org\nHeiken Ashi MA EA v1.3 is running.\nNext order lots: ",CalcularVolumen())); else if (use_tp_sl==1) Comment(StringConcatenate("\nCopyright � 2011, www.lifesdream.org\nHeiken Ashi MA EA v1.3 is running.\nNext order lots: ",CalcularVolumen(),"\nTake profit ($): ",CalcularVolumen()*10*user_tp,"\nStop loss ($): ",CalcularVolumen()*10*user_sl)); // Actualizamos el estado actual InicializarVariables(); ActualizarOrdenes(); encontrada=FALSE; if (OrdersHistoryTotal()>0) { i=1; while (i<=10 && encontrada==FALSE) { n = OrdersHistoryTotal()-i; if(OrderSelect(n,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_HISTORY)==TRUE ) { if (OrderMagicNumber()==magic) { encontrada=TRUE; last_order_profit=OrderProfit(); last_order_lots=OrderLots(); } } i++; } } point = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_POINT); Robot(); return(0); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // INICIALIZAR VARIABLES // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void InicializarVariables() { // Reseteamos contadores de ordenes de compa y venta orders=0; direction=0; order_tickets = 0; order_lots = 0; order_price = 0; order_time = 0; order_profit = 0; last_order_profit = 0; last_order_lots = 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ACTUALIZAR ORDENES // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ActualizarOrdenes() { int ordenes=0; // Lo que hacemos es introducir los tickets, los lotes, y los valores de apertura en las matrices. // Adem�s guardaremos el n�mero de ordenes en una variables. // Ordenes de compra for(int i=0; i<OrdersTotal(); i++) { if(OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES) == true) { if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == magic) { order_tickets = OrderTicket(); order_lots = OrderLots(); order_price = OrderOpenPrice(); order_time = OrderOpenTime(); order_profit = OrderProfit(); ordenes++; if (OrderType()==OP_BUY) direction=1; if (OrderType()==OP_SELL) direction=2; } } } // Actualizamos variables globales orders = ordenes; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ESCRIBE // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Escribe(string nombre, string s, int x, int y, string font, int size, color c) { if (ObjectFind(nombre)!=-1) { ObjectSetText(nombre,s,size,font,c); } else { ObjectCreate(nombre,OBJ_LABEL,0,0,0); ObjectSetText(nombre,s,size,font,c); ObjectSet(nombre,OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, x); ObjectSet(nombre,OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, y); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // CALCULAR VOLUMEN // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ double CalcularVolumen() { double aux; int n; if (money_management==0) { aux=min_lots; } else { if (progression==0) { aux = risk*AccountFreeMargin(); aux= aux/100000; n = MathFloor(aux/min_lots); aux = n*min_lots; } if (progression==1) { if (last_order_profit<0) { aux = last_order_lots+min_lots; } else { aux = last_order_lots-min_lots; } } if (progression==2) { if (last_order_profit<0) { aux = last_order_lots*2; } else { aux = risk*AccountFreeMargin(); aux= aux/100000; n = MathFloor(aux/min_lots); aux = n*min_lots; } } if (aux<min_lots) aux=min_lots; if (aux>MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MAXLOT)) aux=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MAXLOT); if (aux<MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MINLOT)) aux=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MINLOT); } return(aux); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // CALCULA VALOR PIP // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ double CalculaValorPip(double lotes) { double aux_mm_valor=0; double aux_mm_tick_value = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_TICKVALUE); double aux_mm_tick_size = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_TICKSIZE); int aux_mm_digits = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_DIGITS); double aux_mm_veces_lots = 1/lotes; if (aux_mm_digits==5) { aux_mm_valor=aux_mm_tick_value*10; } else if (aux_mm_digits==4) { aux_mm_valor = aux_mm_tick_value; } if (aux_mm_digits==3) { aux_mm_valor=aux_mm_tick_value*10; } else if (aux_mm_digits==2) { aux_mm_valor = aux_mm_tick_value; } aux_mm_valor = aux_mm_valor/aux_mm_veces_lots; return(aux_mm_valor); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // CALCULA TAKE PROFIT // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int CalculaTakeProfit() { int aux_take_profit; aux_take_profit=MathRound(CalculaValorPip(order_lo ts)*user_tp); return(aux_take_profit); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // CALCULA STOP LOSS // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int CalculaStopLoss() { int aux_stop_loss; aux_stop_loss=-1*MathRound(CalculaValorPip(order_lots)*user_sl); return(aux_stop_loss); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // CALCULA SIGNAL // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int CalculaSignal(int aux_ma_mode, int aux_ma_period, int aux_shift) { int aux=0; double ha_a_1=iCustom(Symbol(),0,"Heiken Ashi MA",aux_ma_mode,aux_ma_period,0,aux_shift); double ha_b_1=iCustom(Symbol(),0,"Heiken Ashi MA",aux_ma_mode,aux_ma_period,1,aux_shift); double ha_open_1=iCustom(Symbol(),0,"Heiken Ashi MA",aux_ma_mode,aux_ma_period,2,aux_shift); double ha_close_1=iCustom(Symbol(),0,"Heiken Ashi MA",aux_ma_mode,aux_ma_period,3,aux_shift); double ha_a_2=iCustom(Symbol(),0,"Heiken Ashi MA",aux_ma_mode,aux_ma_period,0,aux_shift+1); double ha_b_2=iCustom(Symbol(),0,"Heiken Ashi MA",aux_ma_mode,aux_ma_period,1,aux_shift+1); double ha_open_2=iCustom(Symbol(),0,"Heiken Ashi MA",aux_ma_mode,aux_ma_period,2,aux_shift+1); double ha_close_2=iCustom(Symbol(),0,"Heiken Ashi MA",aux_ma_mode,aux_ma_period,3,aux_shift+1); // Valores de retorno // 1. Compra // 2. Venta if ((ha_a_1<ha_b_1 || ha_open_1<ha_close_1) && (ha_a_2>ha_b_2 || ha_open_2>ha_close_2)) aux=1; if ((ha_a_1>ha_b_1 || ha_open_1>ha_close_1) && (ha_a_2<ha_b_2 || ha_open_2<ha_close_2)) aux=2; return(aux); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ROBOT // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Robot() { int ticket=-1, i; bool cerrada=FALSE; if (orders==0 && direction==0) { signal = CalculaSignal(ma_mode,ma_period,shift); // ---------- // COMPRA // ---------- if (signal==1) ticket = OrderSendReliable(Symbol(),OP_BUY,CalcularVolumen( ),MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_ASK),slippage,0,0,key,m agic,0,Blue); // En este punto hemos ejecutado correctamente la orden de compra // Los arrays se actualizar�n en la siguiente ejecuci�n de start() con ActualizarOrdenes() // ---------- // VENTA // ---------- if (signal==2) ticket = OrderSendReliable(Symbol(),OP_SELL,CalcularVolumen (),MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_BID),slippage,0,0,key, magic,0,Red); // En este punto hemos ejecutado correctamente la orden de venta // Los arrays se actualizar�n en la siguiente ejecuci�n de start() con ActualizarOrdenes() } // ************************************************** // ORDERS>0 AND DIRECTION=1 AND USE_TP_SL=1 // ************************************************** if (orders>0 && direction==1 && use_tp_sl==1) { // CASO 1.1 >>> Tenemos el beneficio y activamos el profit lock if (order_profit > CalculaTakeProfit() && max_profit==0) { max_profit = order_profit; close_profit = profit_lock*order_profit; } // CASO 1.2 >>> Segun va aumentando el beneficio actualizamos el profit lock if (max_profit>0) { if (order_profit>max_profit) { max_profit = order_profit; close_profit = profit_lock*order_profit; } } // CASO 1.3 >>> Cuando el beneficio caiga por debajo de profit lock cerramos las ordenes if (max_profit>0 && close_profit>0 && max_profit>close_profit && order_profit<close_profit) { cerrada=OrderCloseReliable(order_tickets,order_lot s,MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_BID),slippage,Blue); max_profit=0; close_profit=0; } // CASO 2 >>> Tenemos "size" pips de perdida if (order_profit <= CalculaStopLoss()) { cerrada=OrderCloseReliable(order_tickets,order_lot s,MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_BID),slippage,Blue); max_profit=0; close_profit=0; } } // ************************************************** // ORDERS>0 AND DIRECTION=2 AND USE_TP_SL=1 // ************************************************** if (orders>0 && direction==2 && use_tp_sl==1) { // CASO 1.1 >>> Tenemos el beneficio y activamos el profit lock if (order_profit > CalculaTakeProfit() && max_profit==0) { max_profit = order_profit; close_profit = profit_lock*order_profit; } // CASO 1.2 >>> Segun va aumentando el beneficio actualizamos el profit lock if (max_profit>0) { if (order_profit>max_profit) { max_profit = order_profit; close_profit = profit_lock*order_profit; } } // CASO 1.3 >>> Cuando el beneficio caiga por debajo de profit lock cerramos las ordenes if (max_profit>0 && close_profit>0 && max_profit>close_profit && order_profit<close_profit) { cerrada=OrderCloseReliable(order_tickets,order_lot s,MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_ASK),slippage,Red); max_profit=0; close_profit=0; } // CASO 2 >>> Tenemos "size" pips de perdida if (order_profit <= CalculaStopLoss()) { cerrada=OrderCloseReliable(order_tickets,order_lot s,MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_ASK),slippage,Red); max_profit=0; close_profit=0; } } // ************************************************** // ORDERS>0 AND DIRECTION=1 AND USE_TP_SL=0 // ************************************************** if (orders>0 && direction==1 && use_tp_sl==0) { signal = CalculaSignal(ma_mode,ma_period,shift); if (signal==2) { cerrada=OrderCloseReliable(order_tickets,order_lot s,MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_BID),slippage,Blue); max_profit=0; close_profit=0; } } // ************************************************** // ORDERS>0 AND DIRECTION=2 AND USE_TP_SL=0 // ************************************************** if (orders>0 && direction==2 && use_tp_sl==0) { signal = CalculaSignal(ma_mode,ma_period,shift); if (signal==1) { cerrada=OrderCloseReliable(order_tickets,order_lot s,MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_ASK),slippage,Red); max_profit=0; close_profit=0; } } } //================================================== =========================== // OrderSendReliable() // // This is intended to be a drop-in replacement for OrderSend() which, // one hopes, is more resistant to various forms of errors prevalent // with MetaTrader. // // RETURN VALUE: // // Ticket number or -1 under some error conditions. Check // final error returned by Metatrader with OrderReliableLastErr(). // This will reset the value from GetLastError(), so in that sense it cannot // be a total drop-in replacement due to Metatrader flaw. // // FEATURES: // // * Re-trying under some error conditions, sleeping a random // time defined by an exponential probability distribution. // // * Automatic normalization of Digits // // * Automatically makes sure that stop levels are more than // the minimum stop distance, as given by the server. If they // are too close, they are adjusted. // // * Automatically converts stop orders to market orders // when the stop orders are rejected by the server for // being to close to market. NOTE: This intentionally // applies only to OP_BUYSTOP and OP_SELLSTOP, // OP_BUYLIMIT and OP_SELLLIMIT are not converted to market // orders and so for prices which are too close to current // this function is likely to loop a few times and return // with the "invalid stops" error message. // Note, the commentary in previous versions erroneously said // that limit orders would be converted. Note also // that entering a BUYSTOP or SELLSTOP new order is distinct // from setting a stoploss on an outstanding order; use // OrderModifyReliable() for that. // // * Displays various error messages on the log for debugging. // // // Matt Kennel, 2006-05-28 and following // //================================================== =========================== int OrderSendReliable(string symbol, int cmd, double volume, double price, int slippage, double stoploss, double takeprofit, string comment, int magic, datetime expiration = 0, color arrow_color = CLR_NONE) { // ------------------------------------------------ // Check basic conditions see if trade is possible. // ------------------------------------------------ OrderReliable_Fname = "OrderSendReliable"; OrderReliablePrint(" attempted " + OrderReliable_CommandString(cmd) + " " + volume + " lots @" + price + " sl:" + stoploss + " tp:" + takeprofit); //if (!IsConnected()) //{ // OrderReliablePrint("error: IsConnected() == false"); // _OR_err = ERR_NO_CONNECTION; // return(-1); //} if (IsStopped()) { OrderReliablePrint("error: IsStopped() == true"); _OR_err = ERR_COMMON_ERROR; return(-1); } int cnt = 0; while(!IsTradeAllowed() && cnt < retry_attempts) { OrderReliable_SleepRandomTime(sleep_time, sleep_maximum); cnt++; } if (!IsTradeAllowed()) { OrderReliablePrint("error: no operation possible because IsTradeAllowed()==false, even after retries."); _OR_err = ERR_TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY; return(-1); } // Normalize all price / stoploss / takeprofit to the proper # of digits. int digits = MarketInfo(symbol, MODE_DIGITS); if (digits > 0) { price = NormalizeDouble(price, digits); stoploss = NormalizeDouble(stoploss, digits); takeprofit = NormalizeDouble(takeprofit, digits); } if (stoploss != 0) OrderReliable_EnsureValidStop(symbol, price, stoploss); int err = GetLastError(); // clear the global variable. err = 0; _OR_err = 0; bool exit_loop = false; bool limit_to_market = false; // limit/stop order. int ticket=-1; if ((cmd == OP_BUYSTOP) || (cmd == OP_SELLSTOP) || (cmd == OP_BUYLIMIT) || (cmd == OP_SELLLIMIT)) { cnt = 0; while (!exit_loop) { if (IsTradeAllowed()) { ticket = OrderSend(symbol, cmd, volume, price, slippage, stoploss, takeprofit, comment, magic, expiration, arrow_color); err = GetLastError(); _OR_err = err; } else { cnt++; } switch (err) { case ERR_NO_ERROR: exit_loop = true; break; // retryable errors case ERR_SERVER_BUSY: case ERR_NO_CONNECTION: case ERR_INVALID_PRICE: case ERR_OFF_QUOTES: case ERR_BROKER_BUSY: case ERR_TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY: cnt++; break; case ERR_PRICE_CHANGED: case ERR_REQUOTE: RefreshRates(); continue; // we can apparently retry immediately according to MT docs. case ERR_INVALID_STOPS: double servers_min_stop = MarketInfo(symbol, MODE_STOPLEVEL) * MarketInfo(symbol, MODE_POINT); if (cmd == OP_BUYSTOP) { // If we are too close to put in a limit/stop order so go to market. if (MathAbs(MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_ASK) - price) <= servers_min_stop) limit_to_market = true; } else if (cmd == OP_SELLSTOP) { // If we are too close to put in a limit/stop order so go to market. if (MathAbs(MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_BID) - price) <= servers_min_stop) limit_to_market = true; } exit_loop = true; break; default: // an apparently serious error. exit_loop = true; break; } // end switch if (cnt > retry_attempts) exit_loop = true; if (exit_loop) { if (err != ERR_NO_ERROR) { OrderReliablePrint("non-retryable error: " + OrderReliableErrTxt(err)); } if (cnt > retry_attempts) { OrderReliablePrint("retry attempts maxed at " + retry_attempts); } } if (!exit_loop) { OrderReliablePrint("retryable error (" + cnt + "/" + retry_attempts + "): " + OrderReliableErrTxt(err)); OrderReliable_SleepRandomTime(sleep_time, sleep_maximum); RefreshRates(); } } // We have now exited from loop. if (err == ERR_NO_ERROR) { OrderReliablePrint("apparently successful OP_BUYSTOP or OP_SELLSTOP order placed, details follow."); OrderSelect(ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES); OrderPrint(); return(ticket); // SUCCESS! } if (!limit_to_market) { OrderReliablePrint("failed to execute stop or limit order after " + cnt + " retries"); OrderReliablePrint("failed trade: " + OrderReliable_CommandString(cmd) + " " + symbol + "@" + price + " tp@" + takeprofit + " sl@" + stoploss); OrderReliablePrint("last error: " + OrderReliableErrTxt(err)); return(-1); } } // end if (limit_to_market) { OrderReliablePrint("going from limit order to market order because market is too close."); if ((cmd == OP_BUYSTOP) || (cmd == OP_BUYLIMIT)) { cmd = OP_BUY; price = MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_ASK); } else if ((cmd == OP_SELLSTOP) || (cmd == OP_SELLLIMIT)) { cmd = OP_SELL; price = MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_BID); } } // we now have a market order. err = GetLastError(); // so we clear the global variable. err = 0; _OR_err = 0; ticket = -1; if ((cmd == OP_BUY) || (cmd == OP_SELL)) { cnt = 0; while (!exit_loop) { if (IsTradeAllowed()) { ticket = OrderSend(symbol, cmd, volume, price, slippage, stoploss, takeprofit, comment, magic, expiration, arrow_color); err = GetLastError(); _OR_err = err; } else { cnt++; } switch (err) { case ERR_NO_ERROR: exit_loop = true; break; case ERR_SERVER_BUSY: case ERR_NO_CONNECTION: case ERR_INVALID_PRICE: case ERR_OFF_QUOTES: case ERR_BROKER_BUSY: case ERR_TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY: cnt++; // a retryable error break; case ERR_PRICE_CHANGED: case ERR_REQUOTE: RefreshRates(); continue; // we can apparently retry immediately according to MT docs. default: // an apparently serious, unretryable error. exit_loop = true; break; } // end switch if (cnt > retry_attempts) exit_loop = true; if (!exit_loop) { OrderReliablePrint("retryable error (" + cnt + "/" + retry_attempts + "): " + OrderReliableErrTxt(err)); OrderReliable_SleepRandomTime(sleep_time,sleep_max imum); RefreshRates(); } if (exit_loop) { if (err != ERR_NO_ERROR) { OrderReliablePrint("non-retryable error: " + OrderReliableErrTxt(err)); } if (cnt > retry_attempts) { OrderReliablePrint("retry attempts maxed at " + retry_attempts); } } } // we have now exited from loop. if (err == ERR_NO_ERROR) { OrderReliablePrint("apparently successful OP_BUY or OP_SELL order placed, details follow."); OrderSelect(ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES); OrderPrint(); return(ticket); // SUCCESS! } OrderReliablePrint("failed to execute OP_BUY/OP_SELL, after " + cnt + " retries"); OrderReliablePrint("failed trade: " + OrderReliable_CommandString(cmd) + " " + symbol + "@" + price + " tp@" + takeprofit + " sl@" + stoploss); OrderReliablePrint("last error: " + OrderReliableErrTxt(err)); return(-1); } } //================================================== =========================== // OrderSendReliableMKT() // // This is intended to be an alternative for OrderSendReliable() which // will update market-orders in the retry loop with the current Bid or Ask. // Hence with market orders there is a greater likelihood that the trade will // be executed versus OrderSendReliable(), and a greater likelihood it will // be executed at a price worse than the entry price due to price movement. // // RETURN VALUE: // // Ticket number or -1 under some error conditions. Check // final error returned by Metatrader with OrderReliableLastErr(). // This will reset the value from GetLastError(), so in that sense it cannot // be a total drop-in replacement due to Metatrader flaw. // // FEATURES: // // * Most features of OrderSendReliable() but for market orders only. // Command must be OP_BUY or OP_SELL, and specify Bid or Ask at // the time of the call. // // * If price moves in an unfavorable direction during the loop, // e.g. from requotes, then the slippage variable it uses in // the real attempt to the server will be decremented from the passed // value by that amount, down to a minimum of zero. If the current // price is too far from the entry value minus slippage then it // will not attempt an order, and it will signal, manually, // an ERR_INVALID_PRICE (displayed to log as usual) and will continue // to loop the usual number of times. // // * Displays various error messages on the log for debugging. // // // Matt Kennel, 2006-08-16 // //================================================== =========================== int OrderSendReliableMKT(string symbol, int cmd, double volume, double price, int slippage, double stoploss, double takeprofit, string comment, int magic, datetime expiration = 0, color arrow_color = CLR_NONE) { // ------------------------------------------------ // Check basic conditions see if trade is possible. // ------------------------------------------------ OrderReliable_Fname = "OrderSendReliableMKT"; OrderReliablePrint(" attempted " + OrderReliable_CommandString(cmd) + " " + volume + " lots @" + price + " sl:" + stoploss + " tp:" + takeprofit); if ((cmd != OP_BUY) && (cmd != OP_SELL)) { OrderReliablePrint("Improper non market-order command passed. Nothing done."); _OR_err = ERR_MALFUNCTIONAL_TRADE; return(-1); } //if (!IsConnected()) //{ // OrderReliablePrint("error: IsConnected() == false"); // _OR_err = ERR_NO_CONNECTION; // return(-1); //} if (IsStopped()) { OrderReliablePrint("error: IsStopped() == true"); _OR_err = ERR_COMMON_ERROR; return(-1); } int cnt = 0; while(!IsTradeAllowed() && cnt < retry_attempts) { OrderReliable_SleepRandomTime(sleep_time, sleep_maximum); cnt++; } if (!IsTradeAllowed()) { OrderReliablePrint("error: no operation possible because IsTradeAllowed()==false, even after retries."); _OR_err = ERR_TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY; return(-1); } // Normalize all price / stoploss / takeprofit to the proper # of digits. int digits = MarketInfo(symbol, MODE_DIGITS); if (digits > 0) { price = NormalizeDouble(price, digits); stoploss = NormalizeDouble(stoploss, digits); takeprofit = NormalizeDouble(takeprofit, digits); } if (stoploss != 0) OrderReliable_EnsureValidStop(symbol, price, stoploss); int err = GetLastError(); // clear the global variable. err = 0; _OR_err = 0; bool exit_loop = false; // limit/stop order. int ticket=-1; // we now have a market order. err = GetLastError(); // so we clear the global variable. err = 0; _OR_err = 0; ticket = -1; if ((cmd == OP_BUY) || (cmd == OP_SELL)) { cnt = 0; while (!exit_loop) { if (IsTradeAllowed()) { double pnow = price; int slippagenow = slippage; if (cmd == OP_BUY) { // modification by Paul Hampton-Smith to replace RefreshRates() pnow = NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_ASK),Market Info(symbol,MODE_DIGITS)); // we are buying at Ask if (pnow > price) { slippagenow = slippage - (pnow-price)/MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_POINT); } } else if (cmd == OP_SELL) { // modification by Paul Hampton-Smith to replace RefreshRates() pnow = NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_BID),Market Info(symbol,MODE_DIGITS)); // we are buying at Ask if (pnow < price) { // moved in an unfavorable direction slippagenow = slippage - (price-pnow)/MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_POINT); } } if (slippagenow > slippage) slippagenow = slippage; if (slippagenow >= 0) { ticket = OrderSend(symbol, cmd, volume, pnow, slippagenow, stoploss, takeprofit, comment, magic, expiration, arrow_color); err = GetLastError(); _OR_err = err; } else { // too far away, manually signal ERR_INVALID_PRICE, which // will result in a sleep and a retry. err = ERR_INVALID_PRICE; _OR_err = err; } } else { cnt++; } switch (err) { case ERR_NO_ERROR: exit_loop = true; break; case ERR_SERVER_BUSY: case ERR_NO_CONNECTION: case ERR_INVALID_PRICE: case ERR_OFF_QUOTES: case ERR_BROKER_BUSY: case ERR_TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY: cnt++; // a retryable error break; case ERR_PRICE_CHANGED: case ERR_REQUOTE: // Paul Hampton-Smith removed RefreshRates() here and used MarketInfo() above instead continue; // we can apparently retry immediately according to MT docs. default: // an apparently serious, unretryable error. exit_loop = true; break; } // end switch if (cnt > retry_attempts) exit_loop = true; if (!exit_loop) { OrderReliablePrint("retryable error (" + cnt + "/" + retry_attempts + "): " + OrderReliableErrTxt(err)); OrderReliable_SleepRandomTime(sleep_time,sleep_max imum); } if (exit_loop) { if (err != ERR_NO_ERROR) { OrderReliablePrint("non-retryable error: " + OrderReliableErrTxt(err)); } if (cnt > retry_attempts) { OrderReliablePrint("retry attempts maxed at " + retry_attempts); } } } // we have now exited from loop. if (err == ERR_NO_ERROR) { OrderReliablePrint("apparently successful OP_BUY or OP_SELL order placed, details follow."); OrderSelect(ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES); OrderPrint(); return(ticket); // SUCCESS! } OrderReliablePrint("failed to execute OP_BUY/OP_SELL, after " + cnt + " retries"); OrderReliablePrint("failed trade: " + OrderReliable_CommandString(cmd) + " " + symbol + "@" + price + " tp@" + takeprofit + " sl@" + stoploss); OrderReliablePrint("last error: " + OrderReliableErrTxt(err)); return(-1); } } //================================================== =========================== // OrderModifyReliable() // // This is intended to be a drop-in replacement for OrderModify() which, // one hopes, is more resistant to various forms of errors prevalent // with MetaTrader. // // RETURN VALUE: // // TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise // // // FEATURES: // // * Re-trying under some error conditions, sleeping a random // time defined by an exponential probability distribution. // // * Displays various error messages on the log for debugging. // // // Matt Kennel, 2006-05-28 // //================================================== =========================== bool OrderModifyReliable(int ticket, double price, double stoploss, double takeprofit, datetime expiration, color arrow_color = CLR_NONE) { OrderReliable_Fname = "OrderModifyReliable"; OrderReliablePrint(" attempted modify of #" + ticket + " price:" + price + " sl:" + stoploss + " tp:" + takeprofit); //if (!IsConnected()) //{ // OrderReliablePrint("error: IsConnected() == false"); // _OR_err = ERR_NO_CONNECTION; // return(false); //} if (IsStopped()) { OrderReliablePrint("error: IsStopped() == true"); return(false); } int cnt = 0; while(!IsTradeAllowed() && cnt < retry_attempts) { OrderReliable_SleepRandomTime(sleep_time,sleep_max imum); cnt++; } if (!IsTradeAllowed()) { OrderReliablePrint("error: no operation possible because IsTradeAllowed()==false, even after retries."); _OR_err = ERR_TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY; return(false); } if (false) { // This section is 'nulled out', because // it would have to involve an 'OrderSelect()' to obtain // the symbol string, and that would change the global context of the // existing OrderSelect, and hence would not be a drop-in replacement // for OrderModify(). // // See OrderModifyReliableSymbol() where the user passes in the Symbol // manually. OrderSelect(ticket,SELECT_BY_TICKET,MODE_TRADES); string symbol = OrderSymbol(); int digits = MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_DIGITS); if (digits > 0) { price = NormalizeDouble(price,digits); stoploss = NormalizeDouble(stoploss,digits); takeprofit = NormalizeDouble(takeprofit,digits); } if (stoploss != 0) OrderReliable_EnsureValidStop(symbol,price,stoplos s); } int err = GetLastError(); // so we clear the global variable. err = 0; _OR_err = 0; bool exit_loop = false; cnt = 0; bool result = false; while (!exit_loop) { if (IsTradeAllowed()) { result = OrderModify(ticket, price, stoploss, takeprofit, expiration, arrow_color); err = GetLastError(); _OR_err = err; } else cnt++; if (result == true) exit_loop = true; switch (err) { case ERR_NO_ERROR: exit_loop = true; break; case ERR_NO_RESULT: // modification without changing a parameter. // if you get this then you may want to change the code. exit_loop = true; break; case ERR_SERVER_BUSY: case ERR_NO_CONNECTION: case ERR_INVALID_PRICE: case ERR_OFF_QUOTES: case ERR_BROKER_BUSY: case ERR_TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY: case ERR_TRADE_TIMEOUT: // for modify this is a retryable error, I hope. cnt++; // a retryable error break; case ERR_PRICE_CHANGED: case ERR_REQUOTE: RefreshRates(); continue; // we can apparently retry immediately according to MT docs. default: // an apparently serious, unretryable error. exit_loop = true; break; } // end switch if (cnt > retry_attempts) exit_loop = true; if (!exit_loop) { OrderReliablePrint("retryable error (" + cnt + "/" + retry_attempts + "): " + OrderReliableErrTxt(err)); OrderReliable_SleepRandomTime(sleep_time,sleep_max imum); RefreshRates(); } if (exit_loop) { if ((err != ERR_NO_ERROR) && (err != ERR_NO_RESULT)) OrderReliablePrint("non-retryable error: " + OrderReliableErrTxt(err)); if (cnt > retry_attempts) OrderReliablePrint("retry attempts maxed at " + retry_attempts); } } // we have now exited from loop. if ((result == true) || (err == ERR_NO_ERROR)) { OrderReliablePrint("apparently successful modification order, updated trade details follow."); OrderSelect(ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES); OrderPrint(); return(true); // SUCCESS! } if (err == ERR_NO_RESULT) { OrderReliablePrint("Server reported modify order did not actually change parameters."); OrderReliablePrint("redundant modification: " + ticket + " " + symbol + "@" + price + " tp@" + takeprofit + " sl@" + stoploss); OrderReliablePrint("Suggest modifying code logic to avoid."); return(true); } OrderReliablePrint("failed to execute modify after " + cnt + " retries"); OrderReliablePrint("failed modification: " + ticket + " " + symbol + "@" + price + " tp@" + takeprofit + " sl@" + stoploss); OrderReliablePrint("last error: " + OrderReliableErrTxt(err)); return(false); } //================================================== =========================== // // OrderModifyReliableSymbol() // // This has the same calling sequence as OrderModify() except that the // user must provide the symbol. // // This function will then be able to ensure proper normalization and // stop levels. // //================================================== =========================== bool OrderModifyReliableSymbol(string symbol, int ticket, double price, double stoploss, double takeprofit, datetime expiration, color arrow_color = CLR_NONE) { int digits = MarketInfo(symbol, MODE_DIGITS); if (digits > 0) { price = NormalizeDouble(price, digits); stoploss = NormalizeDouble(stoploss, digits); takeprofit = NormalizeDouble(takeprofit, digits); } if (stoploss != 0) OrderReliable_EnsureValidStop(symbol, price, stoploss); return(OrderModifyReliable(ticket, price, stoploss, takeprofit, expiration, arrow_color)); } //================================================== =========================== // OrderCloseReliable() // // This is intended to be a drop-in replacement for OrderClose() which, // one hopes, is more resistant to various forms of errors prevalent // with MetaTrader. // // RETURN VALUE: // // TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise // // // FEATURES: // // * Re-trying under some error conditions, sleeping a random // time defined by an exponential probability distribution. // // * Displays various error messages on the log for debugging. // // // Derk Wehler, [email protected] 2006-07-19 // //================================================== =========================== bool OrderCloseReliable(int ticket, double lots, double price, int slippage, color arrow_color = CLR_NONE) { int nOrderType; string strSymbol; OrderReliable_Fname = "OrderCloseReliable"; OrderReliablePrint(" attempted close of #" + ticket + " price:" + price + " lots:" + lots + " slippage:" + slippage); // collect details of order so that we can use GetMarketInfo later if needed if (!OrderSelect(ticket,SELECT_BY_TICKET)) { _OR_err = GetLastError(); OrderReliablePrint("error: " + ErrorDescription(_OR_err)); return(false); } else { nOrderType = OrderType(); strSymbol = OrderSymbol(); } if (nOrderType != OP_BUY && nOrderType != OP_SELL) { _OR_err = ERR_INVALID_TICKET; OrderReliablePrint("error: trying to close ticket #" + ticket + ", which is " + OrderReliable_CommandString(nOrderType) + ", not OP_BUY or OP_SELL"); return(false); } //if (!IsConnected()) //{ // OrderReliablePrint("error: IsConnected() == false"); // _OR_err = ERR_NO_CONNECTION; // return(false); //} if (IsStopped()) { OrderReliablePrint("error: IsStopped() == true"); return(false); } int cnt = 0; /* Commented out by Paul Hampton-Smith due to a bug in MT4 that sometimes incorrectly returns IsTradeAllowed() = false while(!IsTradeAllowed() && cnt < retry_attempts) { OrderReliable_SleepRandomTime(sleep_time,sleep_max imum); cnt++; } if (!IsTradeAllowed()) { OrderReliablePrint("error: no operation possible because IsTradeAllowed()==false, even after retries."); _OR_err = ERR_TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY; return(false); } */ int err = GetLastError(); // so we clear the global variable. err = 0; _OR_err = 0; bool exit_loop = false; cnt = 0; bool result = false; while (!exit_loop) { if (IsTradeAllowed()) { result = OrderClose(ticket, lots, price, slippage, arrow_color); err = GetLastError(); _OR_err = err; } else cnt++; if (result == true) exit_loop = true; switch (err) { case ERR_NO_ERROR: exit_loop = true; break; case ERR_SERVER_BUSY: case ERR_NO_CONNECTION: case ERR_INVALID_PRICE: case ERR_OFF_QUOTES: case ERR_BROKER_BUSY: case ERR_TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY: case ERR_TRADE_TIMEOUT: // for modify this is a retryable error, I hope. cnt++; // a retryable error break; case ERR_PRICE_CHANGED: case ERR_REQUOTE: continue; // we can apparently retry immediately according to MT docs. default: // an apparently serious, unretryable error. exit_loop = true; break; } // end switch if (cnt > retry_attempts) exit_loop = true; if (!exit_loop) { OrderReliablePrint("retryable error (" + cnt + "/" + retry_attempts + "): " + OrderReliableErrTxt(err)); OrderReliable_SleepRandomTime(sleep_time,sleep_max imum); // Added by Paul Hampton-Smith to ensure that price is updated for each retry if (nOrderType == OP_BUY) price = NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(strSymbol,MODE_BID),Mar ketInfo(strSymbol,MODE_DIGITS)); if (nOrderType == OP_SELL) price = NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(strSymbol,MODE_ASK),Mar ketInfo(strSymbol,MODE_DIGITS)); } if (exit_loop) { if ((err != ERR_NO_ERROR) && (err != ERR_NO_RESULT)) OrderReliablePrint("non-retryable error: " + OrderReliableErrTxt(err)); if (cnt > retry_attempts) OrderReliablePrint("retry attempts maxed at " + retry_attempts); } } // we have now exited from loop. if ((result == true) || (err == ERR_NO_ERROR)) { OrderReliablePrint("apparently successful close order, updated trade details follow."); OrderSelect(ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES); OrderPrint(); return(true); // SUCCESS! } OrderReliablePrint("failed to execute close after " + cnt + " retries"); OrderReliablePrint("failed close: Ticket #" + ticket + ", Price: " + price + ", Slippage: " + slippage); OrderReliablePrint("last error: " + OrderReliableErrTxt(err)); return(false); } //================================================== =========================== //================================================== =========================== // Utility Functions //================================================== =========================== //================================================== =========================== int OrderReliableLastErr() { return (_OR_err); } string OrderReliableErrTxt(int err) { return ("" + err + ":" + ErrorDescription(err)); } void OrderReliablePrint(string s) { // Print to log prepended with stuff; if (!(IsTesting() || IsOptimization())) Print(OrderReliable_Fname + " " + OrderReliableVersion + ":" + s); } string OrderReliable_CommandString(int cmd) { if (cmd == OP_BUY) return("OP_BUY"); if (cmd == OP_SELL) return("OP_SELL"); if (cmd == OP_BUYSTOP) return("OP_BUYSTOP"); if (cmd == OP_SELLSTOP) return("OP_SELLSTOP"); if (cmd == OP_BUYLIMIT) return("OP_BUYLIMIT"); if (cmd == OP_SELLLIMIT) return("OP_SELLLIMIT"); return("(CMD==" + cmd + ")"); } //================================================== =========================== // // OrderReliable_EnsureValidStop() // // Adjust stop loss so that it is legal. // // Matt Kennel // //================================================== =========================== void OrderReliable_EnsureValidStop(string symbol, double price, double& sl) { // Return if no S/L if (sl == 0) return; double servers_min_stop = MarketInfo(symbol, MODE_STOPLEVEL) * MarketInfo(symbol, MODE_POINT); if (MathAbs(price - sl) <= servers_min_stop) { // we have to adjust the stop. if (price > sl) sl = price - servers_min_stop; // we are long else if (price < sl) sl = price + servers_min_stop; // we are short else OrderReliablePrint("EnsureValidStop: error, passed in price == sl, cannot adjust"); sl = NormalizeDouble(sl, MarketInfo(symbol, MODE_DIGITS)); } } //================================================== =========================== // // OrderReliable_SleepRandomTime() // // This sleeps a random amount of time defined by an exponential // probability distribution. The mean time, in Seconds is given // in 'mean_time'. // // This is the back-off strategy used by Ethernet. This will // quantize in tenths of seconds, so don't call this with a too // small a number. This returns immediately if we are backtesting // and does not sleep. // // Matt Kennel [email protected]. // //================================================== =========================== void OrderReliable_SleepRandomTime(double mean_time, double max_time) { if (IsTesting()) return; // return immediately if backtesting. double tenths = MathCeil(mean_time / 0.1); if (tenths <= 0) return; int maxtenths = MathRound(max_time/0.1); double p = 1.0 - 1.0 / tenths; Sleep(100); // one tenth of a second PREVIOUS VERSIONS WERE STUPID HERE. for(int i=0; i < maxtenths; i++) { if (MathRand() > p*32768) break; // MathRand() returns in 0..32767 Sleep(100); } }
    مع جزيل الشكرسلفا للجميع

  2. #2
    الصورة الرمزية Jmeel
    Jmeel غير متواجد حالياً عضو نشيط
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Sep 2008
    في أرض الله


    الرسالة بتقول الاكسبيرت غير قادر على فتح المؤشر هيكن ، ربما انك لم تضيفه الى ملف المؤشرات ، ارفق ملف المؤشر وملف الأكسبيرت بدلا من التكست ، او ارسل كود للمؤشر بمشاركة والأكسبيرت بمشاركة بطريقة PHP .
    توقيع العضو
    اعتذر لمن لن أتمكن من تنفيذ طلبه بسبب عدم قناعتي بالفكرة

  3. #3
    الصورة الرمزية صدام
    صدام غير متواجد حالياً عضو المتداول العربي
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2009

    افتراضي رد:رسالة خطأ كيف يمكن علاجها ؟ الاخوه المبرمجين أفادكم الله

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Jmeel مشاهدة المشاركة
    الرسالة بتقول الاكسبيرت غير قادر على فتح المؤشر هيكن ، ربما انك لم تضيفه الى ملف المؤشرات ، ارفق ملف المؤشر وملف الأكسبيرت بدلا من التكست ، او ارسل كود للمؤشر بمشاركة والأكسبيرت بمشاركة بطريقة PHP .
    اخي جميل بارك الله فيك انا ارفقت الكود لانني عندما اضغط على زر داون لود من الموقع يفتح لي الكود قمت بنسخه الى الميتا تريدر وانشئت ملف اكسبرت واخر مؤشر سارفق لك الرابط الخاص بالموقع لانشاء ملف الاكسبرت والمؤشر بالشكل الصحيح واختبارهما اذا تكرمت ولك مني جزيل الشكر


  4. #4
    الصورة الرمزية Jmeel
    Jmeel غير متواجد حالياً عضو نشيط
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Sep 2008
    في أرض الله

    افتراضي رد:رسالة خطأ كيف يمكن علاجها ؟ الاخوه المبرمجين أفادكم الله

    تفضل أخي لكن الأكسبيرت فيه أخطاء ، اذا كنت محتاج اكسبيرت للهايكن موجود عندي وأنا مبرمجه .
    الملفات المرفقة الملفات المرفقة
    توقيع العضو
    اعتذر لمن لن أتمكن من تنفيذ طلبه بسبب عدم قناعتي بالفكرة

  5. #5
    الصورة الرمزية صدام
    صدام غير متواجد حالياً عضو المتداول العربي
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2009


    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Jmeel مشاهدة المشاركة
    تفضل أخي لكن الأكسبيرت فيه أخطاء ، اذا كنت محتاج اكسبيرت للهايكن موجود عندي وأنا مبرمجه .
    أخي جميل بارك الله في عمرك هل الملفات التي أرفقتهاتعمل ؟ المؤشر والاكسبرت ؟؟؟
    وبالنسبه لاكسبرت الهايكن الى من برمجتك لو تكرمت ارفقه لي واتمنى ان تكون به خاصية المضاعفات
    وجزاك الله خيرا

  6. #6
    الصورة الرمزية صدام
    صدام غير متواجد حالياً عضو المتداول العربي
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2009


    فعلا الاكسبرت به اخطاء كثيره حيث انه لايقوم بالمضعفات ولايوجد به تريلينج ستوب أرجو ارفاق الاكسبرت اخي جميل

  7. #7
    الصورة الرمزية Jmeel
    Jmeel غير متواجد حالياً عضو نشيط
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Sep 2008
    في أرض الله

    افتراضي رد:رسالة خطأ كيف يمكن علاجها ؟ الاخوه المبرمجين أفادكم الله

    تفضل الأكسبيرت والمؤشر بالمرفقات .
    الملفات المرفقة الملفات المرفقة
    توقيع العضو
    اعتذر لمن لن أتمكن من تنفيذ طلبه بسبب عدم قناعتي بالفكرة

  8. #8
    الصورة الرمزية صدام
    صدام غير متواجد حالياً عضو المتداول العربي
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2009


    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Jmeel مشاهدة المشاركة
    تفضل الأكسبيرت والمؤشر بالمرفقات .
    بارك الله فيك اخي جميل وجاري التجربه

  9. #9
    الصورة الرمزية صدام
    صدام غير متواجد حالياً عضو المتداول العربي
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2009


    اخي جميل اذا تكرمت علينا بتوضيح مدخلات الاكسبرت لان بعضها غير واضح ولك الشكر

  10. #10
    الصورة الرمزية Jmeel
    Jmeel غير متواجد حالياً عضو نشيط
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Sep 2008
    في أرض الله


    اسأل عن الشي الذي مافهمته وسأجيبك .
    توقيع العضو
    اعتذر لمن لن أتمكن من تنفيذ طلبه بسبب عدم قناعتي بالفكرة

  11. #11
    الصورة الرمزية صدام
    صدام غير متواجد حالياً عضو المتداول العربي
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2009


    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Jmeel مشاهدة المشاركة
    اسأل عن الشي الذي مافهمته وسأجيبك .
    وهل الاكسبرت يقوم بالمضاعفات اولا؟
    وجزاك الله خيرا

  12. #12
    الصورة الرمزية Jmeel
    Jmeel غير متواجد حالياً عضو نشيط
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Sep 2008
    في أرض الله


    الأولى للدخول في مضاعفات اذا اغلق عقد البيع بخسارة والثانية نفس الفعل لكن للشراء ، اذا اردت تشغيلها غير الرقم 1 الى اي رقم تريده 2 مثلا وبالتجربة ستتضح لك الفكرة .
    توقيع العضو
    اعتذر لمن لن أتمكن من تنفيذ طلبه بسبب عدم قناعتي بالفكرة

  13. #13
    الصورة الرمزية صدام
    صدام غير متواجد حالياً عضو المتداول العربي
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2009


    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Jmeel مشاهدة المشاركة
    الأولى للدخول في مضاعفات اذا اغلق عقد البيع بخسارة والثانية نفس الفعل لكن للشراء ، اذا اردت تشغيلها غير الرقم 1 الى اي رقم تريده 2 مثلا وبالتجربة ستتضح لك الفكرة .
    اشكرك جزيل الشكر ساقوم بالتجربه

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