النتائج 1 إلى 4 من 4
  1. #1
    الصورة الرمزية anwar3
    anwar3 غير متواجد حالياً عضو نشيط
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2009

    افتراضي Operation Blackjack -Top Secret

    The Daily Telegraph website has been featuring a work of art called "Blackjack - A slide show story," depicting nuclear explosions affecting seven cities in England and North America followed by the introduction of Martial Law and regional governance in the form of a Union of North America, which is not unlike the real life idea for a North American Union. What makes this so scary is that The Daily Telegraph has long been presumed to have close links with British Intelligence Agencies, as well as the fact that a former Director of The Daily Telegraph was a Rothschild.

    Operation Blackjack Full Slide Show)
    False Flag On London Olympics Opening Ceremony

    This new documentary (Duration: 1h45) released on 6/21/12 contains new unique and exclusive proofs which definitely confirm that there will be a false flag terrorist attack during the 2012 London Olympics.

    This is not about making predictions or coming to quick conclusions, it's just a gathering and the connexion of several open public peace of information which you can find on the mainstream media such as in movies, commercials, TV news Broadcast, TV documentary, music clips & lyrics, newspapers, video games, cartoons... The media are not done to entertain you but to make you a slave, to brainwash you, to manipulate you and to program you.

    Exactly like with 9/11, a huge number of these media work as propaganda and predictive programming in order to prepare the people's mind for the next major false flag: the 2012 London Olympics Terrorist attack. A great number of references can be seen in these media (movies, music clips, commercials, newspaper, cartoons, video games,...), some of them are ciphered and other are more evident.

    All these references point out to the same event: a nuclear attack during the 2012 Olympics on the London Underground which will make the Olympic Stadium blow up and which will make the ground fall, the references indicate that this will happen on 7/27/2012, ie during the Opening Ceremony of the 2012 London Olympics. The instigators can change the date at the last time but this does not change anything because, they will still execute this false flag during the Olympics because it's absolutely necessary for their plan.

    The satanic zionist illuminatis want to use the Olympics as a the greatest occult event ever known and use the energy of the billions of people which will be focus on this event to open a multi dimentional gate. The Olympics shall be the opening of the gates of hell, an occult event, an UFO event (the UFO/Alien are jinns/devils), and the trigger for the times of Darkness which will lead to the establishing of Zion, the New Jerusalem, in London, Capital of Satanism and Capital of the New World Dark Order...This will come through nuclear WW3, mass execution in the underground bases, eradication, the release of gog and magog.

    The Opening Cermemony of the Olympics has been called "Peace and pleasant land" which is the last phrase of the zionist hymn "Jerusalem", which speaks about establishing, through wars and massacres, a new Jerusalem in London, Capital of Satanism and Darkness. The whole Olympic Opening Ceremony is a reproduction of the major occult places in England and the Stadium itself is above an ancient area which was dedicated to the satanic ritual sacrifices and is also a site of nuclear wastes!!!

    The main official song which has been chosen to promote the London Olympics is called "London Calling Clash" which lyrics are all about darkness, death, zombies, the UNDERWORLD, NUCLEAR WAR, and even refers to the illuminatis (by refering to the "Yellowy eyes ones" ~ owl ~ Bohemian Grove ~ reptilians ~ Illuminatis).

    The Prophecies of Parravicini also confirms that the London Olympics False Flag. In 1972, Parravicini made a prophetic drawing while he was in a trance state, the drawing and the text it contains clearly refers to the London Olympics through the torch, the bell (the biggest bell in the world will be used in the Olympic Stadium), he even drawn the exact outlines of the London Olympic Park, the tower ArcelorMital Orbit, ... and the text associated with his prophecies speaks about death, fire, explosion, wars between USA, Russia and China.... Which confirms that this London Olympic False Flag will also be used as a trigger for the nuclear WW3 (the goal behind this is 90% reduction of the world population as written for long on the Georgia Guidestone).

    A very large number of movies, series, video games and commercials refers more or less clearly to the coming false flag in London such as:

    Cars 2, Knowing (also entitled "Prediction"), Spooks: Code 9, 2012, Independance Day, Anonymous, V For Vendetta, The Simpsons, The Dictator, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, Mass Effect 3, Hellgate London, Dr. Who, The Avengers, Reign of Fire, 28 Weeks later, Baal Storm God, Harry Potter Half-Blood Prince, Batman Dark Knight Rise, G.I. Joe 2: Retaliation, Mars Attack, The Euro 2012 Chinese commercial, The 2012 London Olympics Adidas ads "all in", "about to blow", "Take the stage",... and a lot of other ads you'll see in this documentary...and music clips such as Earthquake by Labrinth, Blow by Kesha, TimeBomb by Kylie Minogue, "This is love" by Will I am....

    والله اعلم

  2. #2
    الصورة الرمزية صاحب هدف
    صاحب هدف غير متواجد حالياً موقوف
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jan 2010


    مافهمتش غير آخر سطر
    ماترجم ياعم انور للمساكين إلي زيي

  3. #3
    الصورة الرمزية anwar3
    anwar3 غير متواجد حالياً عضو نشيط
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2009

    افتراضي رد:Operation Blackjack -Top Secret

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة صاحب هدف مشاهدة المشاركة
    مافهمتش غير آخر سطر
    ماترجم ياعم انور للمساكين إلي زيي
    السلام عليكم
    هذا سيناريو افتراضي ولست اقول سيحصل ... العلم عند الله
    المختصر كالتالي :
    العملية اسمها : Blackjack
    صحيفة التليغراف البريطانية اليهودية نشرت في موقعها الالكتروني في صفحة الفنون .. نشرت عمل فنى لهجوم نووي على 7 مدن عالمية من ضمنها مدن ..
    لندن .. نيويورك .. واشنطن العاصمة .. تورنتو .. مكسيكو سيتي .. بورتلاند .. لوس انجلوس
    وذلك لااقامة اتحاد امريكا الجنوبية بالقوة .. Union of North America
    هذا المخطط موجود .. لكن بوابة الدخول لهذا السيناريو هو اولمبياد لندن ..
    هناك امر اخر الدولار والديون الامريكية يبدو انها ستصبح من الماضي بالقوة ايضا
    هناك امور اخرى ..
    بالنسبة للوثائقى
    يقول انة جمع كم هائل من المعلومات من مصادر مختلفة من الاعلام بكافة اطيافة
    وتم ايجاد اجماع شبة كامل ان اولمبياد لندن مؤامرة كبيرة جدا ستطال كل سكان الارض
    ولندن بوابة العبور لفتح العالم السفلي .
    اولمبياد لندن اخطر من هجمات لندن واهم منها لاانها مقدمة لاامور اخرى .
    واخيرا هذة المعلومات لم اكن اريد ان اشارككم بها .. وترددت كثيرا
    لكن الحقيقة موجودة دائما ..
    فهل نحن مستعدون لهذة المحن القادمة ..
    الله يستر
    هناك امر اخر .. اي شئ يحصل من هذا طبعا الاعلام الغربي سيقول ان من فعل هذا هم المسلمين .
    والكل يعرف في الغرب ان حكوماتهم كاذبة . ورجال المال اليهود هم من يريد تدمير الارض
    والله اعلم
    آخر تعديل بواسطة anwar3 ، 16-07-2012 الساعة 03:14 PM
    توقيع العضو
    game over

  4. #4
    الصورة الرمزية MRVivantor
    MRVivantor غير متواجد حالياً عضو نشيط
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jul 2012


    الرفع للاهمية
    توقيع العضو
    The World is yours

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