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الموضوع: Be positive are happier.

  1. #1
    الصورة الرمزية شذى22
    شذى22 غير متواجد حالياً عضو نشيط
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Aug 2010

    Thumbs up Be positive are happier.

    We may need to change some things in our lives; to go better. In this article we will give you some useful tips such as:

    - Change the instructions for your media and when things do not go as it should.

    - To let your circumstances make you a human being negative, but defended Make it to you in


    - Be positive, everything starts small and then grow up, but calamities

    And hardships, it should start large and then smaller.

    - Be patient, it is not only our patience and seek reward, and when the moral calamities

    Alguenua believing slave and decree of Allaah.

    - When the human being optimistic optimistic accept the difficulties that

    Faced with courage does not affect it.

    - Do not try to re-account yesterday and lost it, while Valamr

    Papers will not fall back again, but with all the new spring will

    Sprout leaves again, to see those papers that cover the face of

    The sky, let alone which fell to the ground has become a part of it, and if

    Yesterday was a lost Between your hands today, and if the day will bring together

    His papers and leave, you have to be sad tomorrow not yesterday he would not return nor

    Regrets the day he is late, and my dream in the sun bright beautiful tomorrow.

    - When you wake up the morning to go to school or work and wear

    Best dress revived the beauty in you today. Ask yourself: What

    Done in order to be happy?

    - Work on changing your daily routine does not do that works like juice

    Vimto is expected to be oranges, you are happy yourself and those around you

    Do not wait for happiness, there is no one person can raise

    Turmoil you have only your ideas you and you have power to reject

    All the ideas that inside you so be positive and let your logo (if you become

    Do not wait if the evening and the evening and do not wait for the morning).

    Napoleon was asked: How I was able to generate confidence among the members of your army

    He replied: I want three three: Who said I can not try I said to him,

    Who said I do not know I told him to learn, impossible I said it a try.

    - Be positive and take life in wages and good works: say

    Ibn al-Faqih: (It is a great injustice to live a man's sixtieth

    Years old, goes to sleep for the night is a third-year-old to Goa, and ignorance

    That damage the rest in the ephemeral pleasure, nor the thrill of his life in the crash when the rest is rich cream)

    Life is one chance, either farmer or adult sleeping pitfalls

    Life can not afford the opportunity to sleep sitting heavy and long life, the

    Page white, successful history of either sleep or negligent, and if

    Tired old souls in the bodies and their goal mark perfection of mind

    High vigor.

    So be positive are happier.

  2. #2
    الصورة الرمزية حياتى لله
    حياتى لله غير متواجد حالياً عضو نشيط
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Aug 2010


    جزاكى الله خيرا

  3. #3
    الصورة الرمزية شذى22
    شذى22 غير متواجد حالياً عضو نشيط
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Aug 2010


    جزانا واياكم كل خير

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